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32 year old Male
Last online 1年以上 ago
Taastrup, Denmark
The King Nuro @nuro0o left a comment for blackmage
Jan 06, 15 at 5:39pm
Happy birthday noob feeder greenie hazelnut
Karasu @kain_karasu left a comment for blackmage
Jan 06, 15 at 5:20pm
Hey man, belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year xD, Haven't been on in a while, and now I get on and I'm greeted with...well unsatisfactory images to say the least >.> sooooo anyways, hope you had a good Xmas and NY.
getjinxed @getjinxed left a comment for blackmage
Jan 06, 15 at 12:34pm
Haha maybe someday - who knows ? :D Just try to become the teacher you would have wanted to have when you were a student :) thats how i would do it atleast. as a native german i can tell you that it woudlve been hell to learn that language. its fucking hard :D i learned japanese while i went to university, its actually easier than you might think.. if you leave out the writing part xD soooo many fucking kanji to learn
Haruu @haruu left a comment for blackmage
Jan 05, 15 at 5:31pm
Celebrating my father's birthday lol. I'm in my room though.
getjinxed @getjinxed left a comment for blackmage
Jan 05, 15 at 3:55pm
Yeah something in that direction :) Ohhh a teacher - that's great. I have a lot of respect for people who want to do that job. I am rather impatient so i could see myself as a professor, teaching people who actually want to learn and are adult enough to shut the fuck up when i am ranting about all the awesome stuff i know but not as a normal teacher. Guess i could be an archaeologist then ^.^ You're forced to learn a 3rd language besides english and (who would've guessed) german here in germany if you visit the secondary school. Surprisingly i am. It's hard sometimes, but it will be worth it, that's what i know for sure. i wish you the best of luck on your path to become the greatest teacher :3
Haruu @haruu left a comment for blackmage
Jan 05, 15 at 3:48pm
How is my favorite best friend doing?
getjinxed @getjinxed left a comment for blackmage
Jan 05, 15 at 2:09pm
Jinx is the best moba character ever invented. <3 She's the ultimate definition of "I don't give a fuck" .. and that as a girl, that's not the usual thing. Kinda - i am articled (not sure if that's the right word, have no idea how to say that in english.). 2 years and i am going to be an even busier business woman ._. what are you studying? i studied japanese and history for half a year, but unfortunately you can't get a job with that in germany so i had to rethink and do something serious for the future. :/
getjinxed @getjinxed left a comment for blackmage
Jan 05, 15 at 1:34pm
Busted haha :D I am actually having a break, since i have no time to play right now q.q aaand thanks! How are you doing?
Jan 05, 15 at 12:00pm
I just realised i forgot to remove your part from my message. Lol. Good you figured that out yourself. XD Long distance is hard for both of us. But i really love her alot. She is so sweet and caring and so much more i cant explain. The best i could ever wish for. X3
Haruu @haruu left a comment for blackmage
Jan 05, 15 at 1:07am
Hey you loser ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°