✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
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✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
NP ^^
I'm just here for friends or a boyfriend if I'm lucky XD
What about u?

✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
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✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
Hello ^^

Yu @metaljester
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Yu @metaljester
How goes the sheep hunting. Still finding it hard to get some wool.

Cloudmuffin @cloudmuffin
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Cloudmuffin @cloudmuffin
I'm really into Japanese history and just the culture/music is amazing. I haven't ever tried sushi or really any authentic Japanese food. I love chow mein and their fried rice is good XD but i think chow mein is Chinese.. idk lol. & yes I'm from the great state of Texas :D As for the manly jobs, I help my dad scrap metal and work on air conditioners. Hm, it's not really something I should brag about haha.. :) Anywayz, my favorite anime XD Let's see... I love Mushi-shi, Inuyasha, Fushigi Yuugi, Ergo Proxy.... pretty much all anime that doesn't revolve around this era. It has to be in feudal japan era or apocalypse/future era! I still watch the cheesy school romance ones though. I'm keeping up with "Ao Haru Ride" at the moment :D!

Data @aida_player
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Data @aida_player
._. my ping would be horrible

yosukexjiraiya @yosukexjiraiya
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yosukexjiraiya @yosukexjiraiya
Cool! I can't pick between FF9 or FF10. XD i also loved ff8 as well. Its only problem was how easy it was to exploit the junction system lol. Dude megaman is my favorite platform game! And Breath of fire 2 was my favorite! Dot hack had some pretty good hames as well. It was one of those games you can have multiple playthroughs on. Valkyrie Profile is kind of like star ocean and tales mixed together. It is another pretty good rpg.

Yu @metaljester
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Yu @metaljester
Well lets see its a cake covered with Dutch chocolate. Topped with rainbow sprinkles and freshly picked strawberries has a surprise feeling on the inside along with a megaman decor on top just for you.

Cloudmuffin @cloudmuffin
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Cloudmuffin @cloudmuffin
That's so cool you like the music. I just love Asian stuff period haha :) I love all music really, and I'm with you when it comes to rap and country. It's not my favorite haha.. But I come from Texas so I haft to like some country :D I'm going to start college soon as well. So nervous (>.<) I'm really shy around people! (o-o)"
Other than my shyness I have a big family and I'm pretty active. I'm kind of tom boyish. I don't go shopping for girly stuff and have girl best friends. I usually work with my dad and do manly jobs *proudness* xD haha I like cooking, watching anime, going to the movies, running (I was in cross country), *meow* swimming.... and of course I love anime and buying anime stuff even though I don't have that much money lol XD

Yu @metaljester
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Yu @metaljester
I am sorry but we don't give our testing equipment to black mesa employees. You are more then welcome to the cake in the back for guest.

The King Nuro @nuro0o
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The King Nuro @nuro0o
Sounds like a great idea :3