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32 year old Male
Last online 2年弱 ago
Taastrup, Denmark
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Red @redhawk left a comment for blackmage
Apr 23, 14 at 5:57pm
whats up man, haha haven't talked to you ina while, how you been
Red @redhawk left a comment for blackmage
Apr 23, 14 at 3:01pm
Dwinor @dwinor left a comment for blackmage
Apr 21, 14 at 6:04pm
MAGE MY BUDDY. Lend me some cake plzkthx ;D
sionxtc @sionxtc left a comment for blackmage
Apr 14, 14 at 11:30am
I'm scared... I'm going to the gym now and watching one piece after my body is sore all over ;D
Trash Ramen @exherokid left a comment for blackmage
Apr 12, 14 at 4:37pm
Sup Mage I don't want to spend 1$ on TC app lol I met up with shadow spike at Sakura matsuri lol just chilling next to jpop stage now
Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for blackmage
Apr 11, 14 at 10:51pm
aaagh, can't handle it? bonus for me, since I did it at once ;3
Apr 09, 14 at 8:14pm
Hey, Mage buddy and thank you for the belated welcome lol. Haha, there is some procrastination sometimes happening in TC. Then again, everyone has something else to do. I'd like to just fill in the sport whenever most people are busy or afk :) Well I hope the best of luck to you finishing your AMV project and I hope it will be awesome! As for MO, It is great! I'm glad to meet many kind people here. I'm still trying to get used to the whole chat thing since I'm a noobie myself here but I can't wait until I excel my friendship with you and other people here in TC also, I mean get to know you guys more. I'm pretty happy to join here and I'll stick around some more, so don't worry, I'll be alive. :D
Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for blackmage
Apr 09, 14 at 5:47pm
Part II well I used to know a few people from germany, but they are not really into anime so it might be hard to drag them to a hotel and do stuff with me that they find weird as fuck, and can't blame them, cause when you are in line for the entrance and you already see a few crossplayers, you know it's going to be a longlong dayxD hahaha they shouldn't judge our beautiful word, it describes you so well :D oh oh found pretty german lyrics, you must like it: Hey schönes Mädchen, ich muss dir dringend etwas sagen, ich glaub wir beide sind füreinander bestimmt Wir haben keine Wahl, wir müssen's einfach wagen Kommst du mit mit mir? It sounds so cutee ^-^ Swear to god, that guy tlalaz.. xD he is funny as hell but that book.. out of all things he could read out loud, he told the perverted stuff. Why couldn't he just introduce himself instead.. xD well if that is a promise, then I'll certainly stick around til december :D but my presents will be stuffed animals, lots of panda's. beware. stuffed animals are just the cutest things in the world x3 hahaha well I'll support you, and the few other European people on this site! (they really are rare. This reminds me of a facebook post: otaku girls are like the shiny pokemon cards of the real world, still so proud of that. Gonna find the person who wrote that and marry him ^-^) eeeh well you don't look like dyrus on your pictures, but you do look like him on tc, don't know why either x3 It is a compliment :D well could've known it wasn't his idea to let me join tc, that would've been too much of a coincidence now heh, you dream crusher xD Rabbits are cute, and my name would be cute for a rabbit, but it just doesn't work out the same way for humans xD you should thank your parents that they atleast kinda took into account that you still had to live with that name for a pretty long time, now your name turned out really awesome :3 your concentration may show, but it doesn't happen enough xD Really getting curious about your amv, could you atleast tell a little bit about it? well the problem is not how can I sleep, but how can I stay awake. How do people touch their pillow without sleeping, that is the hardest task ever>.> Maybe you guys have like really hard beds, cause mine is so cosy it's impossible not to fall asleep when you touch it x] well you probably drink real coffee, I drink cappuccino, so half of what I drink is milk x3 teachers really should start to realise where they get appreciated for, since they have no idea. They think giving extra classes help, but little do they know that they'll never beat the teacher that shares food ^-^ My baby survived the operation, we are back together and stronger than ever<3 -this sounds so weird if it first is about abortion and now this- Luffy totally understands how life works, sharing is caring, but that only counts for others. Real heroes don't share their food, it is precious and it is the energy needed to save the rest of the world :D You shouldn't watch her, you'll spontaneously get stupid as hell. It is just soso bad, she is the stereotypical 'gamergirl', and it is just sad to see someone craving for attention that bad xD FEAR THE POWER OF SOMEONE WHO TYPES TOO MUCH. Well gummi bears are my speciality, so you shouldn't try to challenge me. Or rather eating is my speciality, stuffing food in my mouth, greatest pleasure. Do you know these giant gummi bears on a stick? as in the ones that are freaking heavy? yeah I had two of those, and I am forever sick, but they were so worth it. It was a green and a red one, and they were perfection x3 Well find your support, and only play with that person, then you'll gradually find a style that suits both of you best. What kind of support do you prefer actually? This totally didn't take me forever to write.. xD
Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for blackmage
Apr 09, 14 at 5:45pm
Part I well you are going to lose the competition of longest message, since someone yesterday actually messaged me to congratulate me for the fact that I've written the longest post ever hahahahah(really the accomplishments in my life.. xD) Oh and I'm much faster with replying, since sometimes you take forever(; But you are forgiven :D ooh the pain of the crappy laptop, gonna cry with you, people don't understand what it feels like to be happy when you can play the game let alone with high settings xD Whats your fps and ms with LoL? well it looks like a period, a girl with lots of blood, killing everyone with a giant knife. Just like girls on their period, oh you understand me so well, you can even talk with me about periods :D -don't hate me for this subjectT^T- ooh your T3T seriously is the best emoticon ever, lolled so hard xD When you buy the new alice, the older version is included so you don't really have to make a decision, but I would recommend the newer version, just because, well story #1 well true, keyboard is the best, until your laptop is hyperventilating while you're still in character designign menu-sadsadsad times- oooh nono, you can't just run away from the enemy?D: freaking hate that shit, same story in cubeworld, 1 hp, freaking cow is raging and following you over the whole map, cried so hard xD Well you can probably convince me to play the game, so I will not wait for that and start playing it somewhere in the near future (the next time I go outside to get the game) so must play with others, then? that means getting friends to play with me, you are making it harder and harder with each sentence ~.~ wait, you can download it? is this a way to pay me back about the the vegas program you tried to download, still feeling soso bad because of that. you sure know how to make someone feel guilty xD What element do you prefer? Ever since watching avatar I'd say earth, but in this game it probably is totally different. haha yeah in real life it's oke to discuss stuff and you can always find some kind of agreement, but if I lose with gaming, I'm just going to sit on the ground, being grumpy until I win 10 times in a row. Secretly nolifing games so I can win from friends is my strategy yeye. Wait you can actually live with someone not agreeing with you? How do you do that? it seriously is one of the hardest things ever D: you'd do good in my debating team! those are discussions we've had as well. Well tell me what are your opinions on these things? I'll tell you my opinion :3 I think it's fair for the richer people to pay more, cause if you wouldn't then the taxes would get higher for the poor to compensate, and so they would never be able to pay for their mortgage. About abortus, I think that everyone should be able to do it, and that the state should pay it, just like it is in the Netherlands, because it may have been stupid to get pregnant in the first place, but that doesn't mean you just have to let them live with one mistake for the rest of their lives. Oh and I don't consider it murder since an abortus can only be done up to three months of pregnancy so there is no life in the fetus yet. about the death sentence hmm not too sure, it really depends, some people are a life long prisoner, and what we have to do is pay for their food with our taxes while they killed all sorts of people, this isn't right, but when you allow a deathsentence, people will start using it care free, and then it may be used on an innocent person and you can't magically bring them back to life ~.~ Race is a hard one, I believe everyone is equal, but in my city, only 49% of the population are native Dutch people. The rest is from all over the world, while I don't mind it, certainly it is true when you say that we as dutch people are losing a certain identity that we had before. But to kick them out is not the way, maybe we have to make the border stricter, but that is a hard discussion as well. You surely make me have discussions with myself now Xd about what I think is at the end of the universe? I think that we will never reach the end, since the universe keeps getting bigger, and by the time we have the technology to reach what now is considered the end, will be only halfway through the universe. And one day there will be so many black holes in the universe, that all of our existence gets sucked up on one, and then the black hole can't take the mass anymore, which makes for a new big bang. I believe we are not the first big bang, and most certainly also not the last. And oh I do believe that there is some kind of other life form somewhere out there, but we won't find it, cause the speed of light lets us see back in time, the light that reaches is now is from stars that have died thousands of years ago, and so if we see some kind of life form, we will only see their very first form, who knows how advanced their technology is, compared to ours though ^-^ you sure make me answer life questions on this late evening, and as if it's not yet hard enough, it has to be answered in english x3 The best questions are the questions that is no real 'fact' for, only people believing certain information to be facts, and using it to make their own story ooh yeah high school of the dead, wouldn't mind a second season of that, the ending was quite abrupt. That fanservice though, the scene where they are in the kitchen and couldn't find any clothes almost turned me lesbian while he was cold as icexD Go to the USA next year! hahaha and to the netherlands, I'll let you eat my precious carrot cake. that stuff is like freaking heaven. OH I KNOW I'm going to buy carrot cake before I'm going online on tc next time! cake war come at me >;D well drunk weeks have to be there as well, and spain is a pretty good place to get drunk ;D Not sure what place I'm going to in Spain, since I don't really care about that vacation, but to England I wanna go to york, and whitby. Whitby is such an amazing place, it has some kind of 'dark'spirit over it, it actually is the place where Bram Stoker wrote dracula, and you have this huge cemetry on a hill, and where the cemetry ends, the sea begins, it is so absolutely beautiful :3 hahaha hangovers truly must suck, but when you have your friends there to 'support' you, aka laughing at you while they are hungover themselves, it can be quite fun octopus..?! you eat that shit? what the fuck.. Didn't know you could actually eat it, but it sounds nasty and slimy >.> Wait, there was a teacher that joined? and he allowed all of you making it a drinking week? you should love him from the bottom of your heart, that is one special man. Luckily you have the special talent of falling asleep everywhere, so you could just take a nap :D free food is the best food. except for it being plane food, it all tastes the same, and that is no compliment ~.~