PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
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PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
YAY~!! ♪ヽ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v ♪
Okay :D Mine is 0104-0874-9101 although I restarted mine yesterday to play the nuzlocke challenge >< Whyyy, cause it's more feel inducing and me is a masochist that way I don't know *forever drowning in feels* Soo since my pokemon are rather weak atm.... but we could still trade, and battle, and be awesome and stuff X3 I'm the same though, someone needs to be pretty persistent to be my friend ^^;
weltblue @weltblue
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weltblue @weltblue
I hope so x3
However, the wait is really long, makes you think weird stuff like, 'forever alone with 72 cats' or something, hahaha xD
Freedom.. freeeedom. Wish it would be easy to achieve it.. like in anime, ohoho ~
OOH! Australian terrier! so cute! I have a shy little chihuahua, and a ceiling walking chinese crested :3
PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
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PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
I felt the same, with no tumblr for a month... *shudders* XD But anywayss that sucks > < lol I basically stuffed my face the whole week :P Both my aunt and my grandma love to cook so there was always food everywhere :3 But wah! We got the same gift *super high fives* Except I got Pokemon X~! Haha, that must have been fun though. My parents don't really have any friends (at all XP ) so it was just me and my family :)
LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
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LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
I hope you succeed in pwning every trainer but me, mahahahaha. I wish you the best of luck.
LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
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LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
I did not know that you had just gotten the game, sorry. I wish you luck in getting them all. XD
PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
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PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
Yup, I spent basically two weeks at my aunt's. On one side there's no internet which sucks but on the other it was great not to get away from phones and everything and just hang with my family. I spent a lot of my time playing dinosaurs with my little cousin XD How about you?
PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
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PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
Thanks~! Same goes to you ^w^ I just know this year is gonna be awesome~
LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
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LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
Did you get all the pokemon?
weltblue @weltblue
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weltblue @weltblue
I dont really know. Because of the smell, the work, they're sometimes even scared of the horses, and thats of course okay, but it still makes me kinda sad they wont even give it a chance to come look at what I really like doing :c
I know it can be boring to just look, but it still makes me happy they come along, of you know? I've been riding for fifteen-sixteen years. Since I were four.
But I can follow you, it's difficult when siblings and parents have a topic you cant be in xD
The freedom is really nice yeah, but it's so expensive =3=
But that might be the bills from vets on my horse and two dogs, that makes it expensive, haha xD
What kinda pet do you want? :3
LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
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LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
That sounds fun, did you get them all?