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32 year old Male
Last online 2年弱 ago
Taastrup, Denmark
MAX @clo555 left a comment for blackmage
Nov 30, 13 at 10:47pm
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xlkiritolx @xlkiritolx left a comment for blackmage
Nov 30, 13 at 10:43pm
ahah thanks bud you're the best
Nahh it's okay, my reply is late too X3 I had a very busy Thanksgiving weekend u3u Haha I am happy ^w^ But nope I haven't watched that yet, what is it about? :) Well you can never have too many wigs XD //shot but right now I'm trying to get a "Jack Frost" wig X3 That sounds awesome~!!! lol and I could never say no to food, mmmm yummy in my tummyyy >u< Haha but that sounds exactly like Peru, where my family is from X3 But really? Wahh that's awesome ^3^ Some of my best friends are trans, lol they really are the best CX Hehe thanks, me too ;3
MAX @clo555 left a comment for blackmage
Nov 30, 13 at 6:51pm
This account has been suspended.
Nov 30, 13 at 4:49pm
Sorry for such a late reply, I've been trying to finish an essay for the past few days. xD I really want to buy Kindom Hearts 3 when it's released, but I'd have to buy a PS4 or XBox One to play it.xD In Super Smash Bros. I like playing as Zelda because you could also play as Sheik... and also girl power! You sound so cute as a little Captain Falcon! I think a fourth game is in development for the series. I'm happy you found some interest in Gregorian chant! It isn't the most exciting thing, but it is an important part of the history of music. And you are correct about the four independent voices. :D I know all of this because music majors have to take several music history classes. Most people hate these classes, but I find them fascinating! We're taught about all the major periods of music. :D I'm just waiting for the day that those guys decide to come tour America! Aside from Andreas Bocelli it probably won't happen anytime soon though. And yes, he does sing both. Good luck watching Don Giovanni! I wouldn't watch it all at once since it's so long. :) Many of my cousins play music, so there is always a lot of music going on at family reunions. xD I agree that having varied knowledge in any subject is a good thing. :) Like you, I can't listen to Muse for too long, but I think their music is really good. I think my favorite song by them is Uprising although one of the guitar riffs reminds me a bit of the 80's song Call Me by Blondie. xD Spirited Away was incredible and the first Studio Ghibli film I watched! What was the first one you watched? I haven't seen Departures yet, but it sounds great! I'll probably watch it once I finish my essay.^.^If it made you both laugh and cry it's obviously worth watching. :) It also sounds really sad! Even though I haven't played Final Fantasy, I listen to its music sometimes and I think it's incredible! I agree that Nobuo Uematsu is a fantastic composer! 0.0 You dropped you laptop AND lost your music? That's terrible! I think anime style looks great in video games! I definitely want to try Dragon's Nest now, it looks like a lot of fun! :D You didn't sound like a religion hater to me. xD I agree with you about the manipulation, the sad part is that it has been happening for a while now. That reminds me of another historical event I liked though; Martin Luther's 95 Theses. xD I do wish more churches would take action to help refugees and the homeless though. I agree that people should be allowed to do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt others. You make some great points about people's reason for living. Religion isn't necessarily needed to give people a purpose but it does serve as a nice guideline. The same goes for ethics. Just because someone isn't religious doesn't mean they shouldn't try to be a good person. But then again, if someone is religious, it isn't always a guarantee that they are a good person. I would like to think that humanity would still be intact without religion as a guide, but like you said, who knows? We as humans might not naturally have a moral compass and maybe as we grew up we were just taught what was "right and wrong" by society's standards. I just wish everyone could get along. :D The stereotypes don't bother me too much, and sometimes I even find them funny. But sometimes those prejudices get annoying if it's not actually meant at a joke, but I think people from every country have to deal with that. Every country has it's own stereotype associated with it. I appreciate that you don't judge people for their country. :D That's sad that it's like that in Denmark, anime used to be looked down upon in the US too, but it's slowly becoming more accepted. Do you have any idea why that is? Maybe feelings toward anime will change in Denmark soon too! \(^.^)/ Thank you! :3 Rose isn't all that common in the US anymore because it's considered an "older" name, but I think it will probably start to become popular again because it seems that people are trying to be more creative with names than the standard "Sarah", "Elizabeth", or "Brittany." What kind of names are popular in Denmark? I love names that have meaning too! When I have kids, which will be a long time from now, I kinda want to give them Japanese names although it would be a bit strange to do that in America. xD It wouldn't be anything that screams Japanese such as Hiroshi or anything like that, just something nice and beautiful like Saya. :D For Thanksgiving my grandparents, parents, and I ate lunch together and that was about it for us. We aren't the most exciting people around Thanksgiving. xD It was nice to spend quality time with my family though. I've never quite understood the draw some people have to the food served at Thanksgiving. People here tend to stuff themselves with food and then take a nap. Luckily my family isn't like that and we actually spend time together. It's supposed to be a holiday to celebrate what we have at the moment, but I think that the meaning has gotten lost for many people. One of the most ironic things about Thanksgiving is that the next day we have Black Friday which is where many retail stores have sales and people go crazy buying things, which isn't really being thankful for what we have. Anyway, my Thanksgiving was very nice.:3 That probably was a longer answer than you wanted. xD Do you have a holiday in Denmark similar to Thanksgiving? :)
Nov 30, 13 at 3:58pm
I do haha j/k :)
Nov 30, 13 at 3:37pm
Yea thanks i know what it takes to become a good cook and yes the food industry is hard but was hard work comes rewards c:
Nov 30, 13 at 2:22pm
Black i was so sleepy yesterday that i had commented on the wrong dude lmaoo. I was asking you if you really wanted to become a chef because thats what i love doing :)
xlkiritolx @xlkiritolx left a comment for blackmage
Nov 30, 13 at 12:58pm
hm? iie iie, i didn't do anything~ thank you! :P
Karasu @kain_karasu left a comment for blackmage
Nov 30, 13 at 10:14am
Dark Knight is also a somewhat confirmed job yet again coming straight out the creators mouth, so we will get it...supposedly...just a matter of time, and as soon as the musketeer class comes out I'm picking it up :D, I love guns as well xD especially gunblades, the main character in the story I've been working on uses something akin to a gunblade...but it's a lot more badass, think caster from Outlaw Star mixed with a lightsaber in the form of a blade