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32 year old Male
Last online 2年弱 ago
Taastrup, Denmark
MAX @clo555 left a comment for blackmage
Nov 28, 13 at 7:03pm
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MAX @clo555 left a comment for blackmage
Nov 28, 13 at 2:49pm
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MAX @clo555 left a comment for blackmage
Nov 28, 13 at 2:32pm
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MAX @clo555 left a comment for blackmage
Nov 27, 13 at 8:12pm
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MAX @clo555 left a comment for blackmage
Nov 27, 13 at 8:11pm
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MAX @clo555 left a comment for blackmage
Nov 27, 13 at 8:04pm
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MAX @clo555 left a comment for blackmage
Nov 27, 13 at 7:40pm
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Hahaha yupp, it's a thing XD Nope, but you're like the hundredth person to recommend it to me so I'm definitely gonna watch it now~! That's how I found all my favorite animes :) Hehe I'll take that as a compliment *curtseys derpily* lol I'm just a goofball at heart X3 Wah that sounds cool though senpai! I just love mysterious and Sherlock is already one of my favorite shows :D Haha true true XD While all the other girls are saving up to buy the latest fashion, I'm over here trying to get a cosplay wig XD bUT WOAH THAT IS AWESOMEEE *bounces excitedly* I've always wanted to see the world, sadly I've never been out of the states U3U How's it like?
Robtaku @xxranimexx left a comment for blackmage
Nov 27, 13 at 2:14pm
Lol, I hear the dungeoning is difficult in that game xD
Nov 27, 13 at 11:43am
Haha, you do have a lot of favorites if that's not even all of them! I have heard a lot about Assassins Creed from friends and it does sound like something I would love! I'd love to hear more! :D My favorite video games are Kingdom Hearts and Super Smash Brothers Brawl... you can tell I don't play many video games. xD I loved all of the music in Kingdom Hearts, but I think the Hikari and Sanctuary were my favorites. I absolutely adore Super Smash Bros. version of Bramble Blast, I listen to it all the time even though I beat the game so long ago. xD I won't choose to listen to Gregorian Chant very often, but I like to listen to it sometimes. One that I find interesting, although I can't listen to the whole thing, is Perotinus' version of Viderunt omnes. It's just so different from anything we have today. Also, from a historical standpoint, this piece along with one other introduced the possibility of having several different melodies at the same time rather than the entire choir singing the same thing. I'd love to watch a concert with those guys too! You're partially right about the oratorio; not everything he sings is an oratorio, but he has sung in several oratorios. ^^ Don Giovanni has an odd plot, but it's intriguing. It's in Italian though, so you might want subtitles if you do decide to watch it. xD My parents actually don't play any instruments, but I'm lucky that they like music so much! Like your parents, my dad listens to older music while my mom likes more modern music. I'm happy I can talk to someone who also has such a varied taste in music! :D I'm curious, how do you feel about Volbeat? It seems like everyone who likes rock in the US likes them, but I just couldn't get into their music. I first heard Joe Hisaishi when watching Spirited Away with my family a few years ago. It's the only anime I've ever gotten them to watch and it's just a movie. I loved the music so much that I had to know who composed it and I started looking up more music by him and eventually started playing his music. He's one of my favorite composers. :) Who's your favorite composer? My iPod is slowly getting dominated by Japanese music. xD It's just so beautiful though! Summer is such an incredible piece. I'll look into Dragon's Nest! I agree that it's more fun when friends play with you! \(^.^)/ I think religion is a good thing because it gives people something to believe in, but I think many people take it too far or, like you said, they use it to blame others. Without religion we wouldn't have had the wars that were caused by religion, but knowing humanity, we would find another reason to fight one another. I personally am a Christian, but I think the church has started to get away from what it's truly about. For example, some Christians are homophobic and try to use the Bible to justify themselves, which gives the rest of Christianity a bad name. I don't think that's right. Another reason would be the church jumping at the chance to cast out those who don't have the same views. I could go into a long list of reasons, but I'll keep it short. Organized religion could definitely be considered the opium of the people, but I think humanity in general needs something to believe in. Without it, many more people would begin to wonder what the point of life is. Like opium, if used responsibly, it has positive effects. Haha, Columbus did so some very important things, but I don't think that should warrant him to have a national holiday here. The Vikings were the first to discover America, after all. :P The Crusades are very interesting! I'm not really a nationalist either, which is looked down upon in America. I appreciate the freedom here and everything we have, but I'm not like the stereotypical American that goes around bragging about their freedom. xD We too celebrate the people who have gone to war, not just in Afghanistan, but all wars. I have mixed feelings about it. I appreciate that the soldiers are willing to give up their lives for this country but at this point we aren't defending ourselves anymore. It's just senseless killing that's being celebrated. My name is Lilah Gilmore. You can just call me Lilah. xD I wasn't named after anything special, but my middle name, Rose, was my great-grandmothers name. :) I like your name! I think it's awesome that you were named after the country you were born in! :3