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32 year old Male
Last online 2年弱 ago
Taastrup, Denmark
Karasu @kain_karasu left a comment for blackmage
Nov 25, 13 at 1:44pm
Haha yeah, I think our teamwork was topnotch yesterday, can't wait till we're all partying as a team, shouldn't be too much longer now :p
Nov 25, 13 at 11:08am
I totally agree about video game music! I haven't played all that many myself, but occasionally I'll look up music from video games and learn them on the piano. xD I have played Kingdom Hearts though and I absolutely love the music in it! Good luck with the FF series ost. I've listened to some of FF's music because I think it's beautiful, although I really should play the games. What video game has your favorite music? I like how varied choir music can be too! Have you ever heard of Gregorian Chant? It's probably the earliest form of choral music that we still have access to. Some people don't like it at all, but I find it rather interesting. I completely forgot about Andrea Bocelli! I really love his voice. I wish I could see a concert by him. I listened to Nella Fantasia by Javier Fontana and wow. It was so gorgeous! An oratorio is an operatic style musical setting. It just lacks the staging or acting from an opera. I think my favorite opera is Don Giovanni by Mozart. I love the humor in it. Bach's Christmas oratorio is great too! :) I would love to watch Keiko Abe in concert, but like you said, it's expensive. xD And thank you for your confidence in my skill on the marimba! :D I suppose I could help you over Skype if you ever want to learn! xD I wish my parents were as open to new things as yours! My parents are awesome, but they aren't as open to new experiences as I wish they were. It was just the opposite for me; my parents knew I liked classical, instrumental, and choral music. So when they found out I liked metal they were shocked! My parents will agree that certain rock/metal songs, both in Japanese and English are beautiful. But once the singer starts screaming, they hate it. xD I love Yoshikazu Mera's voice and anything Joe Hisaishi composes! My parents do agree with me that his music is incredible. \(^.^)/ One of my friends likes the Japanese music I show him, although it's not something he would listen to by choice. :3 That is a really hard question! I'll have to break it into two genres. My favorite Japanese rock/metal song is Burial Applicant by The GazettE. My favorite instrumental Japanese song is Summer by Joe Hisaishi. What are your favorites? :D I have no idea what MMORPG I want to try. Diablo 3 was recommended to me, but it's pretty expensive. Do you have any suggestions? I would prefer it to be free if possible. :D I loved learning about the different types of mythology too! I found it so interesting studying such elaborate stories that used to be people's beliefs. I wish more people liked history too. The same type of thing you mentioned with the Crusaders is similar to what we have with Columbus in the US. He was a terrible man that did some awful things. He wasn't even the first to discover America. Yet we have a national holiday to celebrate him. I totally agree about no one learning from history. We've learned that it is going to repeat, but we haven't attempted to stop it from happening. As morbid as it sounds, I really enjoy learning about wars. My favorite historical event is probably the American Revolution. That sounds like a very "American" answer, but I genuinely liked learning about it. The US was so outnumbered and each state was disconnected from the other, yet against all odds, it pulled together and managed to do something incredible; defeat an army with many more resources and many more soldiers. It would be great if people could learn from it. What's your favorite historical event? Haha, I wish I could party in Barcelona! :P But it sucks that the flight was delayed. xD Looking back, being stranded overnight in Puerto Rico wasn't all bad, but at the time I was so annoyed and just wanted to go home. xD
Hello~!! Hehe okayy X3 Wahhh I love so many (≧▽≦) The first anime I ever saw was Sailor Moon but I didn't really get into it until I saw Spirited Away :3 My top favorite used to be a tie between Chobits and Madoka Magica but then Attack on TItan came along and basically stole my heart XD Before crushing it into many little pieces ;^; I have so many feels for that show u3u But anyways Kimi ni Todoke also has a special place in my heart because I really relate with the main character, merp Sawako is meee (* >ω<) Anywyas, what animes do you like? ^w^
LeonXD @leonxd left a comment for blackmage
Nov 25, 13 at 3:45am
Lol srry, didn't notice your message til now XP. Well, busy as usual. But having a holiday here so I have a week off to enjoy life lol. How life treating you? XD
moribonbon @moribonbon left a comment for blackmage
Nov 25, 13 at 2:45am
Oppai is too shy to come out :9
Karasu @kain_karasu left a comment for blackmage
Nov 25, 13 at 12:25am
Haha nice, sorry I couldn't make it in time man, Miya and I were smashdancing through the fates like a knife through butter
My future waifu: http://tinychat.com/ss68/081a7e/d1/blackmage/maiotaku/11-25-2013
Karasu @kain_karasu left a comment for blackmage
Nov 24, 13 at 4:16pm
No worries man family is important, I know if my sister came to visit I wouldn't be online either. And yeah...butthunter was a very accurate analogy of what male bard's look like xD
Karasu @kain_karasu left a comment for blackmage
Nov 24, 13 at 1:02pm
Yo, when do you think you'll be on ffxiv? my lancer will be lvl 15 by the time you get on at this rate D: (decided to go dragoon afterall...looked at the lvl 50 bard armor and threw up a little in my mouth)
April Moon @iapril left a comment for blackmage
Nov 24, 13 at 10:05am
No problem. :3 I'm a big KH fan too xD I own every kingdom hearts game except KH2 now xD But I WILL be owning that when 2.5 comes out next year :'D It would be probably my only birthday present but would totally be fine with me xD OMK! You have to get KH 3D when you can it's so epic! I adored the dream eaters add on where you get to have them as pets :'D And oh! the flow motion stuff was so much fun xD I'd be bouncing off the walls and swinging poles every chance I got xD