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32 year old Male
Last online 2年弱 ago
Taastrup, Denmark
xlkiritolx @xlkiritolx left a comment for blackmage
Nov 20, 13 at 1:12am
oh hey whatsup? new to maiotaku, just sayin hi to meet some new people (: i met you earlier on that post xD are you an admin of some kind?
Nov 19, 13 at 10:05pm
It was easy because you could go around and level up just by exploring. Too bad I got banned though. Nah.. no one won't reply to me in Forums.
Nov 19, 13 at 9:16pm
Thanks for welcoming me! :) That's a really difficult question... If I have to pick, then I think my favorite is a tie between Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Higurashi, or Sword Art Online. What's your favorite?
MAX @clo555 left a comment for blackmage
Nov 19, 13 at 5:36pm
This account has been suspended.
Nov 18, 13 at 9:07pm
It's bull in my opinion ): I love GW2, because I didn't grind to 80 for no reason. RP where? It's cool that FATE is a way just to gather people :) And now, if only there were FATES for dating...
Nov 18, 13 at 6:08pm
I got accused for hacking when I was exploring.. ): That's really weird.. do they have buff magic by any time? Ah I see. I mean, FATE sounds fun if it's with a group of people.
Hikari @vlad_hikari left a comment for blackmage
Nov 18, 13 at 3:52pm
Why ? :p
Hikari @vlad_hikari left a comment for blackmage
Nov 18, 13 at 3:44pm
But don't know iff they are RP or not.. Well Masamune is (Legasy)sever..
Hikari @vlad_hikari left a comment for blackmage
Nov 18, 13 at 3:42pm
No ider what NA is :p But they all says good at ping and all the JP severs says exellent, makes no sence :p So don't realy mind what sever it is :p I have hear that JP severs Tonberry and Masamune are good severs with alot of english speaking people..
I dont know if Na server is bad? since my ping say exellent.