galediex @galediex
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galediex @galediex
you should try it with the mods if you've got a strong gamming machine u can bring out graphics better than next gen plus they make the game alot more enjoyable

terriermon17 @konata18
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terriermon17 @konata18
my whole lifes an adventure and quite unique at that. traveling and going to college spreading my name is what i do best

galediex @galediex
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galediex @galediex
I mostly pc game nowadays, the only console games i've currently been playing are GTA5, battlefield4, and Ryse...on pc i've been playing FFXIV, Wow, LOL, Skyrim and Metro Last Light. Sorry for the late reply kinda ended up sleeping in today.

galediex @galediex
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galediex @galediex
welcome to Otaku nice anime selection btw if u haven't already check out attack on titan also u say your a gamer what kinda games are u currently into?

terriermon17 @konata18
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terriermon17 @konata18
honestly i barely have family around me. they either passed away or they remain distant. its something you have to accept you know? but yes, i do remain happy in my lifestyle or career wherever i go

setsuryu @setsuryu
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setsuryu @setsuryu
how was your day today

terriermon17 @konata18
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terriermon17 @konata18
haha thanks but i have to work and at home while my roommates go visit their family

setsuryu @setsuryu
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setsuryu @setsuryu
I'm good chillin at my friends house

terriermon17 @konata18
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terriermon17 @konata18
lol aww ok hehe

terriermon17 @konata18
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terriermon17 @konata18
hows your thanksgiving going. are you on a break from killing revy lol