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Atmos Fear

35 year old Male
Last online 9年以上 ago
May-chan @kahmunlai left a comment for Atmos Fear
Aug 01, 13 at 1:54am
Ok thn. u might wanna tape everything to place though...
mizzmay @mizzmay left a comment for Atmos Fear
Aug 01, 13 at 12:58am
Because two heads are better than one? Ohhh snap that was dirty too wasn't it?
May-chan @kahmunlai left a comment for Atmos Fear
Aug 01, 13 at 12:51am
ok ok. So should i eat in ur eye or just hang around in ur kitchen?
May-chan @kahmunlai left a comment for Atmos Fear
Aug 01, 13 at 12:40am
How about we order some pizza. I'll order, u just pay.
May-chan @kahmunlai left a comment for Atmos Fear
Aug 01, 13 at 12:34am
VOLA!!! U HAVE FOUND ONE! Anywya, enough about ham, how about bacon?
mizzmay @mizzmay left a comment for Atmos Fear
Aug 01, 13 at 12:31am
Ohhh You like the dirty pokemon better when they learn harden! ;)
shahaylah @shahaylah left a comment for Atmos Fear
Aug 01, 13 at 12:00am
oh :0 well nothing in specific but i'm happy you added me as a friend :) and the creating music thing is really interesting
shahaylah @shahaylah left a comment for Atmos Fear
Jul 31, 13 at 11:06pm
oh haha that was my friend cheyanne :/ she's weird about me liking anime. anyhow i'm happy you want to know more about me haha and yeah i have 2 sisters and no brother :) anyhow what do u do in ur spare time and tell me about yourself lol
shahaylah @shahaylah left a comment for Atmos Fear
Jul 31, 13 at 7:58pm
wtf lol
shahaylah @shahaylah left a comment for Atmos Fear
Jul 31, 13 at 3:31pm
lol "demon" haha well i babysit my little sister usually while my mom's at work and then i go to the park with her and play teach her a bit of basketball and i like to practice singing as well :) *i'm shy