batmatt91 @batmatt91
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batmatt91 @batmatt91
Yep. That was a good fight either though goku lost. I see. That mean sense. lol. Do you watch the Abridged series?

batmatt91 @batmatt91
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batmatt91 @batmatt91
From the Cell saga it would be Goku, Teen Gohan SS2, Piccolo, and Perfect Cell. From Buu saga Majin Vegeta, Videl, Kid Buu, and SS3 Goku. Hey I notice the J in the SSJ2. I alway wonder what was that?

batmatt91 @batmatt91
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batmatt91 @batmatt91
I'm actually a big fan of the Cell saga. Love the epic Kamemhame-ha on Cell.

CrownCross @alucard317
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CrownCross @alucard317
So hi. How hawe bin doing ?

batmatt91 @batmatt91
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batmatt91 @batmatt91
My favorite characters are Goku, Vegeta, Krillin, and Videl. How about you?

batmatt91 @batmatt91
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batmatt91 @batmatt91
no problem. I'm batmatt91 nice to meet you.

aokaminariki @aokaminariki
aokaminariki @aokaminariki
Is there anyone keeping up with the Naruto Shippuuden Manga? =)

batmatt91 @batmatt91
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batmatt91 @batmatt91