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Cid @tylor left a comment for aoiyosei
Apr 11, 13 at 6:25pm
That's ok how are you finding it sofar?
Apr 11, 13 at 6:02pm
Hmmm yes but sometimes there is a good reason for being so self conscious lol.
drako2k0 @drako2k0 left a comment for aoiyosei
Apr 11, 13 at 5:42pm
Been there lol. You just gotta make your self realize that no one us judging you, we're all here for good fun. Hard to do I know, I was extremely shy and self conscious growing up. Still am in many cases but I have forced myself to get over it a little. It's empowering how much more free you feel once you get over your initial fears of public opinion
drako2k0 @drako2k0 left a comment for aoiyosei
Apr 11, 13 at 2:41pm
Yeah I wanna cos play too. And confidence for a con should be no prob :p unfortunately your in uk and I'm in us. Makes it difficult to go to same con >.<
Cid @tylor left a comment for aoiyosei
Apr 11, 13 at 2:01pm
welcome to the site fellow brit hope you like it here
drako2k0 @drako2k0 left a comment for aoiyosei
Apr 11, 13 at 1:25pm
You should they are Amazingly fun
drako2k0 @drako2k0 left a comment for aoiyosei
Apr 11, 13 at 1:23pm
You should they are Amazingly fun
drako2k0 @drako2k0 left a comment for aoiyosei
Apr 11, 13 at 1:06pm
Have you gone to any cons?
drako2k0 @drako2k0 left a comment for aoiyosei
Apr 11, 13 at 12:47pm
I see, ya I can see how that is a problem. I've been lucky that I help run my family's business while I go through school. This summer though,I plan on finding a real full time job so I can do more than just live "pay-check to pay-check"
drako2k0 @drako2k0 left a comment for aoiyosei
Apr 11, 13 at 12:34pm
How does financial aid work where you're at? and I'm almost done, about a quarter or 2 and I'll be done with my associates. What do you do at your work?