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31 year old Male
Last online 10年以上 ago
United Arab Emirates
ninjav @ninjav left a comment for animedaisuki
Apr 15, 13 at 2:52pm
What else do you do besides watch anime? :)
ninjav @ninjav left a comment for animedaisuki
Apr 15, 13 at 2:47pm
aoiyosei @aoiyosei left a comment for animedaisuki
Apr 15, 13 at 12:36pm
ops and yeah sorry I forgot as I was at work lol. Thanks for the link it looked awesome even though I could only understand like half of what was said.
aoiyosei @aoiyosei left a comment for animedaisuki
Apr 15, 13 at 12:35pm
There isn't a UK version I don't think :( That is just mean! I so would of brought the game I loved the .hack games!
aoiyosei @aoiyosei left a comment for animedaisuki
Apr 15, 13 at 1:22am
No problem, your welcome to add me as a friend. Yeah it was the old ones with kite, I think I completed them. I would love to know what happened to them actually I think my brother pinched them. We are going back about 6 years ago so I was at home. He 'borrowed' everything and sold it lol. All I know is that I did not and I no longer have them.
laddrusso @laddrusso left a comment for animedaisuki
Apr 15, 13 at 12:19am
Word I will without a doubt check that out. thanks! ^-^
aoiyosei @aoiyosei left a comment for animedaisuki
Apr 14, 13 at 12:56pm
I've watched hack sign too, I've played the first 4 games I haven't played the other ones though. Sorry, I thought my grammar had done it again lol
Apr 14, 13 at 11:29am
Dang, good point. This site's system for entering/rating a anime series is going to take a while. Instead, I just put MAL link to my list xD
jucunda est memoria praeteritorum malorum (Pleasant is the memory of past troubles.)
Apr 14, 13 at 9:37am
Hey, man. Thanks for the add! Your from the UAE? That's really awesome, I don't know anyone from the Middle East!