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37 year old Female
Last online 3年弱 ago
rinum @rinum left a comment for Dee
Nov 20, 11 at 3:15pm
yh lol... im not sure what i wanna do wen i go there, soo much to do... but i definitely wanna go tokyo, luis nice.. enywayz moving on.. way about u.. do u have specific manga/anime u read or watch.. mines are obi naruto one piece and bleach along with a couple others that i love :)
Kyoskemaru @kyoskemaru left a comment for Dee
Nov 20, 11 at 11:20am
indeed it is maybe I just have to concentrate harder >:O until my computer burst into flames...then the house hahaha! jk! I got enuff rags to last me til the next two years. :D So do draw as well?
AKA_Zero @aka_zero left a comment for Dee
Nov 20, 11 at 4:21am
Yes Yes, It's much nicer to have that feel and control, and watching your collection grow cX. Also limiting yourself make it all that more enjoyable when you finally get to read them ^~^
Well at the moment I have Star Wars BF Renegade Squadron, Prinny 1, KH BBS. The others I have like LBP, Mod Nation Racers, Killzone Liberation, and Pursuit Force I got for free when PSN went off for those couple of months and I got all four of them free cus I made a european account too lol. And yeah I know what you mean since the past couple years the PSP has barely gotten anything unless its a multi platform movie game or something like Monster Hunter. It sucks that a bunch of awesome looking games are kept in Japan like for instance all the Gundam games and even the Bleach fighting games. Though I will say I've been lucky to try them out since I made a Japanese PSN account too which you should make sometime since they have some really nice demos on there to try out. Though another thing is that since the PSP haven't been getting that many games that I like I have just been building my PS3 game collection since I play more on that at the moment lol.
AKA_Zero @aka_zero left a comment for Dee
Nov 20, 11 at 3:06am
Awesome collection, it's nice to meet someone else that also collects manga instead of just reading it online
Dokuji @chibisoul left a comment for Dee
Nov 19, 11 at 10:23am
lol. I'm a dog person but i like cats too, once I get over my allergies. ugh. Champloo and DBZ for sure! That means I must watch gantz, since u have good taste. :P I can't afford to keep up with gaming much either. I've got my ps3 with all japanese titles cuz that's how I roll. hahah.
Kyoskemaru @kyoskemaru left a comment for Dee
Nov 18, 11 at 4:03am
Ive considered it, but i don't trust financial business on internet sometimes hahaha! Tis indeed sad, but im sure theres an awesum site on here with AMAZING loot. ^-^
gamerguy171 @gamerguy171 left a comment for Dee
Nov 17, 11 at 10:59pm
Yeah, it was a good series! Are you watching anything else fun right now?
rinum @rinum left a comment for Dee
Nov 17, 11 at 7:55pm
well.. if i hopefully do good in university this year.. i get a 5000 pound budget to spend so hopefully that should cover everything. The only thing I'm worrying about is what hotel to go to because i really want to go to ones with hot springs lol.. but they're expensive. I think my budget should be enough for a 4 week holiday there :).
Ok I was just figuring I ought to let you know just incase you didn't and thats true in plenty of manga and just wait till you get near the ending it can get pretty awesome and epic lol