That feeling that you get when you feel like some creep is checking you out.

Welcome to Aleph's retarded cave. I would offer sum strawberry's to stalker-kun, but I only brought enuf for me *inner thoughts* "that's a fucking lie you just don't wanna share"

If you really wanna know something about me. Here's something, I checked my hand writing from when I was a young boomer. Interesting to see that my shitty handwriting hasn't changed much since Middle school.

If I've never been on the internet. I'd be less retarded, but probably not

The fuck you staring at stalker-kun!? Wait! Before you go stalker kun. Let me wip you up sum eggs....FUCK! Whatever, you can fuck off now.


Welcome to Aleph's retarded cave. I would offer sum strawberry's to stalker-kun, but I only brought enuf for me *inner thoughts* "that's a fucking lie you just don't wanna share"

If you really wanna know something about me. Here's something, I checked my hand writing from when I was a young boomer. Interesting to see that my shitty handwriting hasn't changed much since Middle school.

If I've never been on the internet. I'd be less retarded, but probably not

The fuck you staring at stalker-kun!? Wait! Before you go stalker kun. Let me wip you up sum eggs....FUCK! Whatever, you can fuck off now.