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28 year old Male
Last online 10年以上 ago
pam_cakes26 @pam_cakes26 left a comment for Akullen
Jan 13, 13 at 5:53pm
i did that with tv when i was little XD
pam_cakes26 @pam_cakes26 left a comment for Akullen
Jan 13, 13 at 5:38pm
Thanks ^3^ I really like baking it takes my mind off of things and I really enjoy it. People tell me when I draw or bake I look really focus and kinda zone them out lol
pam_cakes26 @pam_cakes26 left a comment for Akullen
Jan 13, 13 at 5:31pm
Anythng you wish but baking is my specialty :D oh you know that strawberry cake that's in like 99.9% of slice of life animes? yeah i can make that :3
pam_cakes26 @pam_cakes26 left a comment for Akullen
Jan 13, 13 at 5:26pm
Fun fact: im know as the girl who brings awesome food. my sister's friend calls me chef lol
pam_cakes26 @pam_cakes26 left a comment for Akullen
Jan 13, 13 at 5:19pm
pink strawberry cake with blue vanilla icing its soooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuute <3 im gonna post it
pam_cakes26 @pam_cakes26 left a comment for Akullen
Jan 13, 13 at 5:16pm
in the meantime....I MADE CAKE
pam_cakes26 @pam_cakes26 left a comment for Akullen
Jan 13, 13 at 5:06pm
Oh but I would wuhahahaha
pam_cakes26 @pam_cakes26 left a comment for Akullen
Jan 13, 13 at 4:50pm
Oh man ill have fun scaring you with bugs hehehehe
pam_cakes26 @pam_cakes26 left a comment for Akullen
Jan 13, 13 at 4:35pm
Ah you would! heights. definitely that or trying to make me go on a rollar coster lol i literally cling on everything XD
pam_cakes26 @pam_cakes26 left a comment for Akullen
Jan 13, 13 at 4:27pm
haha when i get nervous in generals i just get extreeeeeeeeme butterflies lol