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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Aerone
May 03, 16 at 9:23pm
yeah magic resist but that snare is what gets you. when you have like an entire team after you and lux catches you with a snare its over tbh XD but yeah leblanc and shaco are popular. wukong and his clones arent as bad tbh cause you can tell when its a clone
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Aerone
May 03, 16 at 7:46pm
lol yeah teemo, lux, and anyone else who is long range like that i dont do well against they are like the ones i do the worst against. cause with teemo he gets close and runs away after he hits with poison so even though i do way more damaga he will just run away
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Aerone
May 03, 16 at 7:31pm
i can ganke with garen because his Q can silence the player so they cant attack during that. we could easily use that time to attack and get his life down before he can counter us. and if he tries to run the Q gives me a movement speed boost so i can catch up. but because garen is weak without his upgrades i cant do much so if we are already losing before i get to my 2nd upgrade then its pretty much game over cause i cant save them. by the time i get all my upgades they are too op for us to stop them. i feel like im the best garen i have met so far cause every garen i have faced off against has lost i make it my mission to win a lane against another garen.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Aerone
May 03, 16 at 5:14pm
yessss like here is what gets me mad guys like to roam and help other lanes when your losing lane already, that makes no sense. i kinda dont like junglers cause i feel if your gonna jungle help out the lanes that need the most help. mid lane ALWAYS gets pushed toward the end. and when your stuck defending mid lane the other lanes are being pushed by the weaker player or are being overrun by minions.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki thats kinda why i wish i had a team that knew what they are doing that actually helps when you need help. i had matches where im being chased and the guy could have easily helped bht chose not to -_-
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Aerone
May 03, 16 at 8:07am
well my thing is i dont have a group and if i had one i would want them to be good players. i mean sure its all about having fun but whats fun about losing? ^^; i mean if you out up a fight and lost fine but if you got shrekt and dominated the entire match thats not fun at all
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Aerone
May 02, 16 at 3:27pm
does ranked have like super pro players? cause if so i can see myself getting rekt i am still a noob at the game lol i have only been playing for a month
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Aerone
May 02, 16 at 3:20pm
my whole day yesterday was bad usually i play and so well but yesterday every match i lost, every match i did bad in lol idek maybe because im like 1 more level from being 30
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Aerone
May 02, 16 at 7:36am
yeah XD teamwork makes the dream work lol and good positioning helps like if your up against the wrong champ that could be the difference between winning lane and losing and you need to know when to challenge i look at their health compared to mine and see when its the right them to challenge them
gaminglover @gaminglover left a comment for Aerone
May 01, 16 at 9:58pm
Some days I even ask that myself XD
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Aerone
May 01, 16 at 9:25pm
yeah depends too XD against sion i can win lane easy. but yeah it depends on who im up against. it might take me a while to be a pro though im far from it some days i go 28/2 11/0 then other days 1/13