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~Paya Paya~ @kamikallo2 left a comment for Aehrrohn
Feb 11, 11 at 2:18am
Yea I totally get you lol I'm not very much of a skool person either houh I links its becAuse I'm very lazy and I procrastinate a lot lol and I find many annoying ppl at skool -___- but starting a music career sounds fun! Would you start a band or go solo??
~Paya Paya~ @kamikallo2 left a comment for Aehrrohn
Feb 11, 11 at 1:53am
Lol I should have guessed that it was like a shamisen lol wow world history and world music eh? I must say pretty kool :) mine was game design but I got totally screwed over at the art academy! Those bastards! but life is full of its UPS and downs I guess lol
MikoAbigail @mikoabigail left a comment for Aehrrohn
Feb 10, 11 at 10:22pm
It's a good thing. Just one of my random moments. I'm good, I just got back from a friend's house who took amazing pictures of my Miku Hatsune cosplay that I have to post soon. What about you?
MikoAbigail @mikoabigail left a comment for Aehrrohn
Feb 10, 11 at 9:47pm
Thanks for the request. I like your info page, it made me laugh. Nice job and if this was in real life I would be giving you a very dorky thumbs up silly look!
~Paya Paya~ @kamikallo2 left a comment for Aehrrohn
Feb 09, 11 at 3:05am
aww man that kool! the music classes at my college are pretty limited :( but whats a sanxian? and im guessing the yoshida brothers are a group? its always nice to have a good positive influence from music rather than most of the negative aspects of it....not that all music is that way, thank god lol so does your major has something to do with music as well?
~Paya Paya~ @kamikallo2 left a comment for Aehrrohn
Feb 09, 11 at 2:37am
really???!! more into the old school games eh? so then im guessing ur more into ur anime and music? you really seem to love music which is awesome! ive always wanted to play an instrument! like maybe the piano, or guitar, drums as of late, and maybe the violin...i would also like to learn to play the chinese erhu! they have an awesome sharpness to them lol so how were you inspired to play the shamisen??
~Paya Paya~ @kamikallo2 left a comment for Aehrrohn
Feb 09, 11 at 2:26am
wait they replaced the music in daria!? but i liked the background music! lol it really took me back lol i could have sworn i heard "gettin jiggy wwith it" by will smith playing at one of Brittany's party lol i was like woooowwwwww XD but no more heroes sounds kool! im doown for any game in which you get to be an assassin lol like the tenchu series! dont kno if u've played that game but it a kick ass ninja game, so is assassin's creed :D
Xx_Panda_xX @xx_panda_xx left a comment for Aehrrohn
Feb 09, 11 at 12:44am
We have a lot in common we both like colder weather (I cant stand the heat, I guess I better get out of the kitchen lol) we both usually ware black, we would both like to live in japan (well what Otaku wouldn’t) We’re both knowledgeable to a point but don’t clame to know it all, we are both artist and see art in all possible ways, we are both odd balls and we embrace that fact, we both don’t eat meat, we are both real calm and not negative, we both don’t want the short term/ mess around then leave kind of relationship, we both know what we want in life, we are both polite yet can be honest and blunt at times, we both don’t sleep much, we both like to take long walks (I love to walk at night and also in the rain XD), we both enjoy Hentai but we aren’t pervy creeps, We both love music, we wont change ourselves of others, we are both the non-violent type, and we have strong wills lol we are almost exact haha I think we will be good friends XD
Xx_Panda_xX @xx_panda_xx left a comment for Aehrrohn
Feb 08, 11 at 11:03pm
Hi I just noticed something you prtty much a guy version of me lol, its very nice to meet you XD
~Paya Paya~ @kamikallo2 left a comment for Aehrrohn
Feb 08, 11 at 1:30am
yes mario is awesomeness! tho with mario galaxy and all the bright colors i feel like im heavy on drugs or something lol! though mario is a little suspicious! he eats shrooooommmmmsss lol but yea sadly i dont think ive ever beat a mario game in my life even though i play them all the time!(i kno, what kind of gamer says that!? XO )i think ive beaten super mario world though, but thats because i played with my older bro muahahaha! im such a cheater! lol oh ive never heard of no more heroes! is that a video game too? 0_o oh and ive been inspired by you to watch daria again :D that shows too awesome lol i didnt realize how many family members jane had! lol
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