Ahem! Ahem! Let me point out a few things. *cough* *cough*
Number 1: You're here cuz u a fucking stalker.
Number 2: Dub is better than Sub. Yeah I said it, fuck you!
Number 3: Trust me when I say this. You can't keep up with my level of sass, so don't even try.
Number 4: I wanted to say some deep philosophical bullshit about life, but nutin came to mind.
Number 5: Eren did nothing wrong. (except not banging Mikasa when he had the chance)
Number 6: I don't care if I offend you. Stop being a fucking snowflake.
Number 7: *loud burp* IDK, I'll add something here later on.
Number 8: When am I being serious? When am I joking? IDK, that's for your dumbass to figure out.
Number 9: UwU out this bitch!
Number 10: Watch cute cat videos, then watch bloody gore next. Perfect fix!
Number 11: Si estas leyendo esto y tienes una hermana bien buenota y es mayor de edad. Hola cuñado! JAJAJA!
Number 12: Me fittin to sneeze. ACHOOO!
Number 13: You didn't say bless you! You rude motherfucker! *SMH*
Number 14: MODS gae
Number 15: Wow, why are you still reading this? Don't you have something better to do? Jesus get a life!
Number 16: Omae wa mou shindeiru! Nani?
Number 17: You weabuus are fucking cringe.
Number 18: I'm a cheap fuck. Don't ask me for money motherfucker.
Number 19: Coffe taste like trash. I do not like coffee.
Number 20: Mommy Milkers!
Number 21: Don't know, don't care.
Number 22: Damn, why you up in my business? Mind yo own dam business!
Number 23: Debería de poner mas pendejadas en español pero no se ocurre nada xD
Number 24: Ghost's feet are sexy AF UwU
Number 25: 24+1= 25
Number 26: (intentionally left blank for cringe)
Number 27: Best advise I could give you. Don't listen to anyone's advise. Which includes my advise advising you not to listen to anyone's else advise.
Number (I last count): *picks nose*
Number 69: If you've actually read every single point and made it this far. Do me a favor. Get off my dick! I gotta go do some math or get my ass whooped in a video game. Peace out cringe weeabuus.
Ragnarök is here.

Ahem! Ahem! Let me point out a few things. *cough* *cough*
Number 1: You're here cuz u a fucking stalker.
Number 2: Dub is better than Sub. Yeah I said it, fuck you!
Number 3: Trust me when I say this. You can't keep up with my level of sass, so don't even try.
Number 4: I wanted to say some deep philosophical bullshit about life, but nutin came to mind.
Number 5: Eren did nothing wrong. (except not banging Mikasa when he had the chance)
Number 6: I don't care if I offend you. Stop being a fucking snowflake.
Number 7: *loud burp* IDK, I'll add something here later on.
Number 8: When am I being serious? When am I joking? IDK, that's for your dumbass to figure out.
Number 9: UwU out this bitch!
Number 10: Watch cute cat videos, then watch bloody gore next. Perfect fix!
Number 11: Si estas leyendo esto y tienes una hermana bien buenota y es mayor de edad. Hola cuñado! JAJAJA!
Number 12: Me fittin to sneeze. ACHOOO!
Number 13: You didn't say bless you! You rude motherfucker! *SMH*
Number 14: MODS gae
Number 15: Wow, why are you still reading this? Don't you have something better to do? Jesus get a life!
Number 16: Omae wa mou shindeiru! Nani?
Number 17: You weabuus are fucking cringe.
Number 18: I'm a cheap fuck. Don't ask me for money motherfucker.
Number 19: Coffe taste like trash. I do not like coffee.
Number 20: Mommy Milkers!
Number 21: Don't know, don't care.
Number 22: Damn, why you up in my business? Mind yo own dam business!
Number 23: Debería de poner mas pendejadas en español pero no se ocurre nada xD
Number 24: Ghost's feet are sexy AF UwU
Number 25: 24+1= 25
Number 26: (intentionally left blank for cringe)
Number 27: Best advise I could give you. Don't listen to anyone's advise. Which includes my advise advising you not to listen to anyone's else advise.
Number (I last count): *picks nose*
Number 69: If you've actually read every single point and made it this far. Do me a favor. Get off my dick! I gotta go do some math or get my ass whooped in a video game. Peace out cringe weeabuus.

Ragnarök is here.