Pictures of Sephiroth
Sephiroth Is Cool! I am the Lord Sephiroth!

xxkayakoxx @xxkayakoxx
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Sephiroth Is Cool! I am the Lor

xxkayakoxx @xxkayakoxx
Awesomesauce. :D

Eevee @eevee
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Sephiroth Is Cool! I am the Lor

Eevee @eevee
Nice Pic :3 go Sephiroth!

XENOSES 7 @holland
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Sephiroth Is Cool! I am the Lor

XENOSES 7 @holland
And... SAMANOSUKE Jumps in From left field & transforms into The ONIMUSHA & in a flash of light Instantly critical Slashes Sephiroth in less then a second. "Yep Nothing like sweet justice. Fuck u you very much buddy":)
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HolyGoddess @holygoddess
commented on
Sephiroth Is Cool! I am the Lor

HolyGoddess @holygoddess
is that you? if so good cosplay

Brittney_Ashura @brittney_ashura
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Sephiroth Is Cool! I am the Lor

Brittney_Ashura @brittney_ashura
Oh hail mighty sephiroth!

princessofheart @princessofheart
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Sephiroth Is Cool! I am the Lor

princessofheart @princessofheart
Will you give me despair? o.o

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
Sephiroth Is Cool! I am the Lor

Sephiroth @sephiroth

Viral @viral
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Sephiroth Is Cool! I am the Lor

Viral @viral
<p><b>*bows down*</p>
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