Pictures of Sephiroth
Ryan L. Kopf (Like Peter Parker!) Super administrator me! Mild-mannered administrator by day. World-devastating silver-haired bishy by night.

Vixenlover @vixenlover
commented on
Ryan L. Kopf (Like Peter Parker

Vixenlover @vixenlover
OMG i saw him before!!! DiashoCon FTW!!!

Valshe @valshe
commented on
Ryan L. Kopf (Like Peter Parker

Valshe @valshe
Note the "lifting" with the middle finger. Slick.

Naboo_Jedi @naboo_jedi
commented on
Ryan L. Kopf (Like Peter Parker

Naboo_Jedi @naboo_jedi

FayelinnBlair @fayelinnblair
commented on
Ryan L. Kopf (Like Peter Parker

FayelinnBlair @fayelinnblair
I am just going to steal a flower....yah....

konad13 @konad13
commented on
Ryan L. Kopf (Like Peter Parker

konad13 @konad13
Nice pic, man, lolD

Valentine @valentine
commented on
Ryan L. Kopf (Like Peter Parker

Valentine @valentine
Ebisu-status >:U

xcupidollx @xcupidollx
commented on
Ryan L. Kopf (Like Peter Parker

xcupidollx @xcupidollx
xd how you "lift" the glasses back up very classy :P

Stray Cat @bipolarkitty
commented on
Ryan L. Kopf (Like Peter Parker

Stray Cat @bipolarkitty
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