If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)

Cris_CookiesxD @crisg987
commented on
If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)
Cris_CookiesxD @crisg987

X-Cution @xcution
commented on
If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)
X-Cution @xcution
Kingdom Hearts would be pretty cool to me.

mobored101 @mobored101
commented on
If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)
mobored101 @mobored101
Fallout New Vegas

yellowswerve @yellowswerve
commented on
If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)
yellowswerve @yellowswerve
The magical world of DiveKick

drmario @drmario
commented on
If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)
drmario @drmario
@X-Cution Kingdom Hearts sounds good to me. Let's go.
Or variably, almost any JRPG.

Terumi @terumi
commented on
If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)
Terumi @terumi
Tales Of Vesperia kick it with Raven and get women.

fukurou @fukurou
commented on
If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)
fukurou @fukurou
Disgaea. Being an overlord would be pretty fun

johnsnow @johnsnow
commented on
If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)
johnsnow @johnsnow
I say Sword Art Online

♥M~M♥ @masonmay
commented on
If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)
♥M~M♥ @masonmay
I would choose Dark Souls, the fact that dying is a mere nuisance and reversible is appealing. Just don't stay dead for too long.

maura_breathless @maura_breathless
commented on
If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)
maura_breathless @maura_breathless
pokemon . at the age of 10 all you would have to do is get a free pokemon anf battle people to sustain yourself.
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