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VeZeal @axlex commented on Confessions
Apr 27, 16 at 9:46pm
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Apr 27, 16 at 10:01pm
I talk to myself and she answers. It's always a good time in my world, till she beats me at Sega then shit gets dark. Way to be Teacup!
VeZeal @axlex commented on Confessions
Apr 27, 16 at 10:14pm
Apr 28, 16 at 3:25am
@Teacup I confess that I laughed about you being up for a good poop story, so... Around three years ago I went to a club with some of my friends. I was from a little town, so I had to cycle from far and had my bike parked elsewhere from their bikes. When we went home I walked through the ally behind which my bike was and the streetlight was flickering. Something lay on the ground. The light went on for a few seconds and my eyes could make out what it was. A man was squating. The disturbing part: he wore nothing but hiking boots. I was shocked as he ran away and I was reluctant to walk to my bike, but I had to, because it was my only way of getting home. When I came to the middle of the ally, I saw why the man had been squating. A magnifient turd, almost completely upright lay on thr ground. This man had some skills. (Apart from the turd being almost completely upright, this whole story is actually true >_<)
VeZeal @axlex commented on Confessions
Apr 28, 16 at 5:31am
I confess that I don't know why I'm about to tell this story, but here goes: So more than a decade ago way back in high school, I was still taking the bus to get to and from home and on one of these days, I was waiting for the bus to go home at this time. From time to time I buy myself a little snack while waiting at the depot. Everything's fine, got a snack of cookies and the bus just arrived. Just then as I was about to wait in line to get on the bus, a bird thought it a nice idea to drop a nice big one on top of my head and on my cookies. Never saw it coming and once the initial shock wore off, I was...upset to say the least. I cried quite a bit as I left to get cleaned up in one of the nearby bathrooms. What a waste of a good snack.
Apr 28, 16 at 5:34am
@VeZeal: I feel you, a few days ago some birds ruined my laundry. But while clothes can be washed, the cookies must have been a terrible loss =/
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Apr 28, 16 at 2:37pm
Really...... bird poop equals good luck.....lol
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