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Mar 29, 16 at 9:06pm
my only confession in this world is that I'm never going to tell any of you, my dirty little secrets.
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Mar 29, 16 at 9:35pm
animekid you win this one http://pre03.deviantart.net/a2ae/th/pre/f/2011/285/3/3/cereal_guy_interested_by_rober_raik-d4cluqb.png
Mar 29, 16 at 9:44pm
i confess when i was little maybe 6-7 used to pretend a little girl ghost would follow me around and posses stuff and want me to hump them as if i was making love to her and i said one day when she stops being a ghost im gonna marry her ^it was a dare none of this true
Hmm confessions...*thinks on what to confess*
Mar 29, 16 at 10:06pm
Sometimes when I'm just walking around places whether it be down the street or in a store I imagine I can create extra body parts and armor like big white angelic wings and a silver armored tail or maybe even claw like gauntlets. The strange thing is that occasionally when I pass by a young kid they will look at me a little strangely as if they can actually SEE what I'm imagining on my body.
Mar 29, 16 at 10:43pm
I'm not the only one who does that? Kids at work are always staring at me, usually after I'm off in my own mind being awesome.
Mar 30, 16 at 7:56am
Confess that I'm kind of embarrassed and regret most of what I posted last night -_- But not going to delete it because its not like it will change the fact that I posted it and what's done is done and running and trying to hide the fact that I posted it won't change anything.
Max @reclaw commented on Confessions
Mar 30, 16 at 8:39am
Stay away from mai waifu. http://pa1.narvii.com/5581/066ec9a5bbbf13d0ee7e35445e524adf8e751a3a_hq.gif I am the only one allowed to gently apply sunscreen to her lovely body. https://media.giphy.com/media/3o7WTr05Yut5ooyLW8/giphy.gif https://media.giphy.com/media/3o7WTDu5MXkYgX8qha/giphy.gif
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