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I did, some girls hate it, others don't mind it. I loved it personally but meh...
Jun 30, 16 at 7:47pm
Hood, Well, again, that will be different for different women. As for endurance, you can train yourself. There's no shame in masturbating for practice. Even though masturbation is not the same as sex, it still is a good gauge on what to expect. Edging kind of helps too. Also, some are super horny while on their period. A question/confession. How many here have earned their "red wings"?;)
Jun 30, 16 at 7:48pm
Hahaha. Of course I have.
*badass answer incoming* I earned my pair of wings..... on white sheets....
Jun 30, 16 at 7:50pm
I ruined a mattress that way.
Jun 30, 16 at 7:52pm
@yaasshat So far that's what I've been trying to do, but it bores the heck out of me. XD That's why I want someone for practice. XD
Jun 30, 16 at 7:52pm
Amatuer.Ya gotta use a towel.XD
O_O ummmmm I think I'll go... <.< >.>.... that way! >>>>
Jun 30, 16 at 7:54pm
I did. A towel only soaks up so much.
@ Misunderstood Lol right? XD My coworkers and I think that it should be a requirement for everyone to work retail/customer service at least once in their lives. It could be for about a year but I bet the amount of assholes will decrease. If people are still assholes after that then they are just born to be that way. XD
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