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May 30, 16 at 11:29am
noooo im sorry i jst thot not everyone lyks roller coastrs im preetty scard of them soooo XD XD
May 30, 16 at 11:30am
I confess that I'm still sometimes ringing on people's doorbells and running away, just like I did when I was a kid.......I'm not apologizing....never ever....
I once went to a theme park (local) and cause it was a Halloween thing I rode every ride with my then girlfriend shouting in some Christian Bale Batman voice.
Ding dong ditch, i do that to my friends all the time. Their parents don't like me much. :D
Another confession: I like going to stationary shops, try all the things, sometimes I walked out without buying anything, sometimes I bought an unnecessary things or the things that I already have. Seriously, I'm that one kid who have everything in my bag.
May 30, 16 at 12:11pm
I once ding dong ditched my best friend...i was grounded for a week for ringing my own doorbell
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remind me of the vine of the dude covered in sand with his friend, "i am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand. POSEIDON TREMBLES BEFORE HIM. while the waves were crashing at him.
May 30, 16 at 12:17pm
I remember once kids asked me to ding ding ditch but I really didn't understand it so when the ringed and run away I was standing there confused and my friend just shouted to run away. I didn't get caught but I really didn't like the idea since most of the people where I lived were angry men lmao Another confession: I and other kids trespassed an abandoned kindergarten with high wired fence. It was so empty I felt like it was ghosts house and when we heard dog barking we ran like rockets away and some got stuck in the fence haha I admit I like it but I still feel ashamed of doing it
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