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May 29, 16 at 5:19pm
@Maya I think I might already have found a soulmate, then. My best friend often has the exact same thoughts as me. Truly uncanny
May 29, 16 at 5:27pm
I confess I am the best person I know. I think I may be the best person alive, everyone else pales in comparision. I may also be a narcissist who occassionally dabbles in a bout of self loathing. But thats all because I am the most emotionally deep individual I know. Damn I am great.
May 29, 16 at 5:39pm
@Voricann you're a git @Sanfi That's splendid, friends can be soulmates as well.
May 29, 16 at 6:06pm
@Maydragon. How rude, I think your jealous of my greatness and how I made myself great again.
May 29, 16 at 6:11pm
@Voricann No, I'm cross with you for refusing to dance with me.
May 29, 16 at 6:17pm
@Maydragon Maybe one day I will teach you the magic art of dance but today is not this day unless you call me the most handsome man to ever live (which of course I am).
May 29, 16 at 6:28pm
*Your*=yours. *You're* = you are. The rest is up to you.
May 29, 16 at 6:31pm
@Voricann https://doremifasolalalalarf.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/no-anime-kill-la-kill-gif-in-comments_gp_2498981.jpg Voricannot
It's impossible for a Brit to be considered the most handsome man ever, you guys have teeth more fucked up than Courtney Love when she was on crack.
Is that so? Because I heard that there are three things British people like: 1: Fake tits 2: Not flossing their teeth 3: Claiming Americans (mostly 45 and older) only like Powerslave because it was our first exposure to Iron Maiden. If not flossing your teeth is incorrect, are number 1 and number 3 incorrect as well?
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