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California Meet Up!

Sep 25, 13 at 2:20pm
how many ppl u r so called inviting ? lol
Sep 25, 13 at 2:21pm
Im not going to argue the fact that exclusion is being forced. Enjoy your day.
Sep 25, 13 at 2:23pm
ok then. It's not about the exclusion it's about the ppl we dont know. but alrighty
Sep 25, 13 at 2:53pm
No one here knows me. your condescension is much appreciated.
Well ur not forced to come michael if u don't like the way this meet up is noone putting a gun to ur head to come just saying
Sep 25, 13 at 3:44pm
I stated that to make a point. I wont be going. I'm not into cliques
W/e floats ur boat man
Now you guys, maybe we shouldn't be thinking about how horrible michael idea was. But that it was made with good intentions. Sure we have a bunch of random people but thats OK! If anything we could just split into groups of some sort.
Sep 26, 13 at 2:48am
Haha well I have no opinion since I'll be missing this event
Noone said it was a bad idea only reason it was bad that he didn't even ask if he post the meet up in another site. I mean hell if we meet up at noon n we waste the rest of the day on intros then wats the point of the meet up? Lol most of the ppl going have kept in touch in tinychat n been talking about it so it was more to go have fun that day just saying but whatever end of discussion 10 more days for meet up guys lol
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