shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
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shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
that would be so epic!! but i've never been able to go to a con due to lack of funds and transportation
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
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bookwatcher @bookwatcher
dont give up. things could always change and you could get blessed with a great job or at least a gf or friend that would pay for it
shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
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shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
well i'm gonna start lookin for a new job and i'm currently lookin for a new GF(biggest reason i decided to try this site) but i wouldn't dream of havin her pay completely for me to go, not to say i wouldn't let her if she rly wanted, but i'd rather make my own money to use
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
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bookwatcher @bookwatcher
very respectfull. good job *thumbs up* you shouldn't have any problem finding a girl.
shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
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shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
well here's hopin, i recently became single and it hasn't been that long so there's still hope i would think
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
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bookwatcher @bookwatcher
good luck. online dating is hard.
shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
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shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
yeah so i hear.. but so is dating IRL and thanks
stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
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stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
online dating can be very tricksy. here, it more or less has to do with being patient.
I like all kinds of music. Some of my favorite artists/bands are Eminem, Kanye West, Drake, Lil Wayne, Chris Brown, Kendrick Lamar, Macklemore, The Killers, My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Muse, Metric, Audioslave, John Mayer, Coldplay and the list goes on.
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