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Glasses on men

Glasses are for nerds :P
Sep 04, 13 at 12:59pm
You say that as if it's a bad thing. XD
Yea screw glasses -whistles-
Justa me joking :D
Sep 04, 13 at 1:57pm
Personally, to me, someone who looks "nerdy" or "dorky" in some way is far more attractive than someone who looks more normal. IMO glasses are sexy.
im short sighted i have to agree i wear glasses all the time and im sexy btw if your wondering why the pic in my profile has no glasses it was me trying to get a clear shot of my face,cant remember why but im going to change it soon
glasses can be a sign of intelligence!.... "can be" being the main words here :D
also glasses can also be a sign of maintenance as you can just pop in contacts, and put them in a solution at night, but glasses must be carefully removed in times of activity, cleaned when dirty, tightened when screws are loose...nose pads must be replaced, frames must sometimes be reshaped in order to fit a changing face in a small sense, it is a sign of discipline which in turn, brings diligence and intelligence i just thought of this now but i still think i'd look better with contacts XD
Sep 05, 13 at 12:02am
Actually i wear glasses because contacts are such a hassle. I just put them on and take them off in 1 second. No liquids, no hard-to-find small bits, no regular replacements daily or weekly, no need for a sink or big bottle, etc.
Lol glasses n contacts were a hassle to me lol so I just went n got lazik instead but I do love glasses just not ones to see :)
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