a question for guys.

shikamarachan @shikamarachan
a question for guys.
shikamarachan @shikamarachan
Why do the kind of guys i like not approach me? I get being shy and all... But i sit down in the anime section, reading a manga, and anime guys just stare or walk past me.

Amezuki @amezuki
commented on
a question for guys.
Amezuki @amezuki
I couldn't even begin to speculate meaningfully on the motivations of the guys you run into. I can tell you why *I* don't usually approach women who I can tell are otaku: I don't want to be a creep and bother them.
That, and I'm an introvert. A *lot* of otaku are. So that may be part of what you're running into.

DarthRane @darthrane
commented on
a question for guys.
DarthRane @darthrane
They probably think you already have a boyfriend or don't have confidence a lot of guys feel like they need a witty comment to start a conversation try smiling at them give them something to encourage them to come talk :)

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
commented on
a question for guys.
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
Back a while ago I use to see a lot of girls but being the otaku I am I usally just stare at them hoping they would talk to me. It take a lot of courage just to say hi outta the blue for a totally stranger

Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
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a question for guys.
Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
For me, it takes a lot of pressure off if a girl talks to me first. I have... social issues... as I'm sure many of us do. Sadly, I operate under the assumption that no one ever wants me to talk to them. I'm working on it, though. Point being, try to work up some courage and make the first move. I've learned that life won't happen for you, you have to make it happen!

CaptainShoes @captainshoes
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a question for guys.
CaptainShoes @captainshoes
Some guys just don't know how to approach or come off looking like a creeper. That seems to be a problem for a lotta people, if they find you attractive but you don't find them attractive back or act wierded out. Most of the time it can kill a mans spirit and or his ability to have confidence in himself. If it happens enough eventually they stop trying or just linger in the background. Then again it's probably one of those notions where they don't want to bother someone who's reading out of common courtesy? There are a number of reasons why people are paranoid about approaching others but, sometimes you just gotta shoot for it and hope for the best.

PK Thoron @julioelgamer
commented on
a question for guys.
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
It is REALLY hard for me to hit on a random girl, even if she likes the same stuff that I do

Amezuki @amezuki
commented on
a question for guys.
Amezuki @amezuki
I agree with DarthRane; try smiling at them and making--even briefly holding--eye contact. I know that if I were that hypothetical person who saw a cute otaku girl I was reluctant to bother or too shy to approach, I would be looking for signs that she was open to being approached or even potentially interested. If she doesn't smile or just looks back down at her book, I'm going to assume she's into her book and doesn't want to be bothered.
I think that's good advice in general, actually: if you want to increase your chances of being approached, look approachable. :)

Terumi @terumi
commented on
a question for guys.
Terumi @terumi
I would talk to you if i saw you reading manga. I am shy but seeing you have something in common with me would spark me to try to start a convo with you :).

shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
commented on
a question for guys.
shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
i would most likely talk to you if i saw you reading manga, i'm an extrovert who loves talkin to ppl and making new friends
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