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League of Legends ranked

I finally did it! Hit plat on the last day of the season. Gonna be dead at work but worth. The climb from gold 1 to plat was the hardest.
Congratz on reaching it before end of season :D
congratz on winning your promos
I remember those days of climbing and now Legion took over my life congrats on your plat jacket!
I joined ranked only in the past year. However, I seem to keep running into the same loop. I train and play really well in normals to the point where it gets silly, then I jump up to ranked and get slaughtered a few times. I learn something new from playing ranked, and then go back to normals and it gets even sillier. So it's back and forth between owning on Normals and getting owned in Ranked.
for me its play amazingly in norms, hop in ranked my team gets slaughtered. i start winning lane then here comes the 5 man gank to take out my turret (keep in mind most of them are fed) then its all down hill from there. i try being a team leader and coach my team mates so we dont lose but bronzies cant read. so we have 1v5 fights taking place in unwarded jg and baron attempts while enemy team are pushing mid
Ze ultimate guide to climb: http://i.imgur.com/8QqK0Me.jpg Yeah just kidding....I'm one of those masochists that still play adc despite the assassin update that makes you wanna buy a freakin' Zhonya's on Jinx cuz of constant Zeds and Talons suicide diving your team just to kill you. >_<
talon was always a pain in the ass but now he can parkour, so he just uses ulti and jump over wall to escape. katarina is perf though <3 i love the fact that she isnt op like before, but shaco just got worse.
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