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Bugs and Suggestions This Far

I think the picture upload is broken. I have two pics I keep trying to upload since Sunday, and they never successfully do so. Edit: Nevermind, I just figured it out. This site doesn't upload .PNG files very well. When I converted them to .jpg, it worked just fine.
Were the files extra large size or anything? That may have been it. There appears a file size limit.
Time code for Daylight savings time have not been jumped forward. Done a post 2 minutes ago; was coming up 6:36 instead of 7:36.
Some bugs I find - if you refresh page the chat reloads all messages like crazy fast - sometimes if you are pming someone and you click their image to their account the session gets lost and it asks you to relogin - can you edit forum titles because it wasn't immediately obvious how to? Only saw edit comment.
All of the pics I upload become very wide for some reason. One pic is 2988x5312 and the rest are 22448x3264. They are all from my phone, so what can I do to fix this?
So I've heard that the premium feature doesn't change much but I gave it a shot anyway. The nearby feature and matches keep sending me to 404 error page. Also, the premium feature allows for more results, however when I choose not to select a state, I assume that means it will bring up everyone within my search parameters in the country. However that is not the case. It will only bring up a limited few. Also, I feel that some more search filters should be included with the premium feature, such as a filter for finding other supporters and what not.
You've got to be more specific which links you are clicking and what your search parameters are for me to be able to help. Where did you click to get to the 404 page and what's the URL when that happens? What are the specific search elements? It should be searching the entire country.
http://maiotaku.com/matchprofiles/32986/look http://maiotaku.com/matchprofiles/32986/look?sort=near Those are the premium links for the "Your matches" and "Near you" which is what I clicked As for search parameters, I chose females looking for males. I didn't choose a state, age or last online filters because I wanted to see how many choices would pop up from the premium feature since it should show all of them instead of the limited free account amount. Only 41 popped up. Also (because I have more time on my hands than I should lol) I individually searched each state including Canada's provinces and with the same parameters as mentioned above and there were a lot of results here that weren't seen when no state is selected. Also, the state filter has an issue. While checking each individual state and Canadian province, results from other states would still show. For example, I searched Ontario, Canada and results from California, Texas, etc would show up instead. If I chose Oregon or something, it would show some results from Oregon but then even more from other states. That's all of the stuff I noticed this morning.
For me when I click matches it won't show me anything at all. I have to go to my home page to see matches instead of the proper lookout for it. Also, my chats randomly pop up out of no where and if I refresh... They all open up. And if I open a chat and go to reply it like.. Recycles through the previous messages and takes a few minutes and sometimes if I send a message it doesn't go through on the chat boxes o_o; One thing I would love to see is to be able to keep the home screen left panel open as you go through the site... ;-;
Ldrewguy, those are old links, did you have them saved or bookmarked? I thought those links should be removed from the site by now. http://maiotaku.com/matchprofiles http://maiotaku.com/matchprofiles?sort=near Try those links.
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