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Bugs and Suggestions This Far

Delete him as friend, does that stop him from messaging you though?
Oh I found one. Not sure if this is a bug or anything but, If you spam f5 on the main page, you can collectively gather a bunch of hearts. Even though there's nothing special about the hearts.
Hello i have a suggestion, having a beep or some notification sound when you receive a pm, it's just a convenient thing when you're looking at another window and can't see the tab say (1)
@lovingly just change your profile age to 17 they cant chat on minors pages without friend requests just be sure to tell people your real age and the reason why
So yes in my 2 days here I have like *3390* Hearts. They need to fix the problem with the page visits, if hearts is going to be a thing.
Is this where I go for suggestions?? I certainly hope so because I have one. A search function in the forums would be a pretty cool thing, I'd think.
need to improve the filter for conventions/anime you cant slightly misstype a word or it doesnt find it.
Jul 27, 15 at 12:38am
I would like to see search by mile radius as well. I live in alabama, so I probably not going to test out too many relationships in Mississippi or Georgia.
Jul 31, 15 at 1:26am
A block function please.
Jul 31, 15 at 1:35am
Yes please, we need a block user function
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