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I've noticed messages come in "real-time" now. In other words, if you're in the middle of typing a message to a person and they reply, it will display the new message without reloading it. Love that. Not sure when you added that, but nice one, Seph.
Maverick, if you reclick notif, the remaining 2 will show. The last two would have been the first two since you past posted, so I -believe- (never checked) that when you check the last two, they'll be on the top, then the newest that were viewed under it.
I think I've fixed the issue with messages showing up in the wrong order. Now messages should be shown in more context with previous messages now appearing in the box in the correct position relative to the newest messages.
Did I miss something or does the chat not support Chrome? just tried to message someone and it works in FireFox but in Chrome (latest version) it just starts a new line. anyone know?
@Semple that's weird, what version? It works on my chrome, that's all I use. I definitely want chat to work, so please let me know what version and OS if you can.
Version 40.0.2214.111. Windows 7 pro 64bit. Extensions: AdBlocker (disabled for site) and GoogleDocs. I did figure out the issue. Somehow Cookies and/or plugin data was the cause. When I obliterated it all, the chat started to work like it does in FireFox.
Feb 11, 15 at 5:36pm
any chance of fixing the verify option as it don't work for international phone numbers I am getting sick of the catchphrases every time I post over especial after having to do them every time I post despite being constantly active on here for years
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