Anime Midwest

gavin96 @gavin96
commented on
Anime Midwest
gavin96 @gavin96
Im planning on going and cosplaying as either Elias from Magus Bride or the firekeeper from darksouls

vendetta041990 @vendetta041990
commented on
Anime Midwest
vendetta041990 @vendetta041990
I'll be going next year guys! Who's going? Let's go together ^_^

Nat @the_noctor
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Anime Midwest
Nat @the_noctor
This account has been suspended.

MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
commented on
Anime Midwest
MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
Ah yes, a reminder that it will be impossible to join it without the right funds.
I sure want to go to one con at least once.

AspieChu @projectotakux
commented on
Anime Midwest
AspieChu @projectotakux
Anime Midwest 2021 is having of all people, ICP as a guest. Idk how I feel about it honestly.

DEAD ACCOUNT @hibarisan
commented on
Anime Midwest
DEAD ACCOUNT @hibarisan
Anime Midwest? I'm interested.
I need more Midwestern friends lol.

cosplaymodelshooter @cosplaymodelshooter
commented on
Anime Midwest
cosplaymodelshooter @cosplaymodelshooter
I will be there! I am looking for models to shoot in their cosplays too! email me

asuna_moon @asuna_moon
commented on
Anime Midwest
asuna_moon @asuna_moon
I actually went last year on a Sunday.If I go this year its not going to be on the 4th because that's a holiday I spend with family.
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