Anime Midwest

Sephiroth @sephiroth
Anime Midwest
Sephiroth @sephiroth
Anime Midwest is totally awesome, and you should go.
**4th of July weekend at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare (Chicago).**
Featuring: Steam Powered Giraffe Concerts, An Awesome Exhibit Hall, and A ConSweet with Free Ramen, Rice, and Soda.
It's one of the best conventions you could ever attend, because it's both fun and still pretty cheap at the same time - which tends to be a rarity after conventions start getting over 10,000 attendees. Homepage - Guest List
15,000 people or more usually attend. The attendees are some of the best, and the events are insanely good.

Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
commented on
Anime Midwest
Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
I'm only about 6 hours away from Chicago. Perhaps I should start planning a trip :)

Kochiha @kochiha
commented on
Anime Midwest
Kochiha @kochiha
I'm even closer, and now that I've got me some work I'll probably be able to afford going!

brandon @bigbrandon
commented on
Anime Midwest
brandon @bigbrandon
i might be able to go once i get up there, and i might go as caim from the drakengaurd game

bleh. @reaeryn
commented on
Anime Midwest
bleh. @reaeryn
I should go. :) Live in the 'burbs of Chicago.

dead account @norman87
commented on
Anime Midwest
dead account @norman87
I've considered going to Anime Midwest the last couple years but haven't been able to make it. Maybe next year will be the one finally go. It'll be on my birthday again. XD

loki_909 @loki_909
commented on
Anime Midwest
loki_909 @loki_909
Awe I'm stuck in texas, we barely have anime cons here

Misaeko @misaeko
commented on
Anime Midwest
Misaeko @misaeko
I want to go but being a broke otaku sucks

borsty24 @borsty24
commented on
Anime Midwest
borsty24 @borsty24
Definitely going! Only about 20 minutes from O'hare! I'm more of a Midway guy ;p This'll be my first convention, definitely gonna make it count :)
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