Arizona's Immigration law

ikkoku @ikkoku
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Arizona's Immigration law
ikkoku @ikkoku
With how much America keeps embarrassing itself with stupidity like this, Canada seems more and more like the place to live. <B>@CrazyClassicist</B> I don't know what part of Mexico you went to but, it's not some <B>"hellhole"</B> you claim it to be... well, only a little bit. If you only went to the border towns, then you really didn't see Mexico and only saw the anus of the country. There are so many things wrong with the infrastructure of Mexico you couldn't believe. It is a 2nd world nation and unfortunately will stay like that until the next revolution. One partner in crime to Mexico's ugly condition and reputation is... you guess it... the United States of America. It's US corporations that contributes to the unpleasantness of Mexico. First of all, Mexico has such a low GDP that it's ranked at number 60, Japan 23, and the USA 6; that's a huge divergence! It also does'nt help that US corperations in Meixco only pay fractions of what the US minimum wage is. It's no wonder that the people from Mexico want to move to a more prosperous nation to be... well... prosperous. Me and many other comrades of mine think the US should implement a foreign policy that educates illegals and direct them to the legal way of entering the US and to also become a citizen instead of the "monopoly policy" to not be able to "Pass go, collect 200 bucks" and then to be "Sent to Jail".

Sobi @sobi
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Arizona's Immigration law
Sobi @sobi
I think the issue in AZ is truly frightening. Now they are talking about doing away with, I believe it's the 18 Amendment. the most frightening part, and I know no one really wants to hear this, is that isn't that what they were doing to the Jews in Nazi Germany. As someone with some Mexican heritage, I hate how this who issue is making people act towards anyone that's from Mexico illegal or not. Racial profiling is not OK in any way shape or form, and that's pretty much the view where I live up by the Canadian border in WA.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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Arizona's Immigration law
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
Those American Indians kinda had a problem with immoral immigration, Huh? We are all from somewhere else and want to slam the door after we get here. I am Scott/Irish and many if not most of my ancestors were not welcome or here legally (in spite of what you see in the movies). Frankly, there a ton of illegal folks from Mexico that are better citizens than the ones we already have. Maybe we need a system where we could trade?????

Anthony @setah
commented on
Arizona's Immigration law
Anthony @setah
Are you people mad? There is no law saying people can't immigrate here. It's absolutley the opposite. We don't care what race or country your from, as long as you pay the same taxes and living expenses as us, then it doesn't matter. If ANY of you actually read into the Arizona Immigration law, you would know this law is intended to stop the rapid ILLEGAL Immigration of criminals that are slowly DESTROYING the states that are on the border. Mexico's drug war is the start of all of this, not American racism.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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Arizona's Immigration law
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
The problem is what does a criminal look like? If the law is aimed at Mexico's drug gangs, then the criminal looks Hispanic. This is much like the traffic offense "driving while black" that some communities still seem to enforce. Having grown up in the 60s, I am sort of sensitive to this. If you had long hair at that time, some cops considered you legal game. Thanks to those experiences, to this day I have a bad knee jerk reaction to authority. Mexico's drug war is not an excuse for racial profiling. I personally have not read any articles about drug gang violence spilling over to our side of the border. If it has, that's what the Army is for. If the troops are not being deployed when they should, that's the problem we need to solve.

Anthony @setah
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Arizona's Immigration law
Anthony @setah
That may be true, but watch/read about the protests these so-called "innocents" keep having about it. They are always illegals who can't even speak our language and demand more rights than even we have. And there is always dozens of legal hispanics on the other side saying those illegals shouldn't get anything.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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Arizona's Immigration law
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
Laws can't be based on that. The bottom line is that officers should be profiling based on behavior, not race. When you start stopping people based on race, what happens next gets real ugly. The present limits on Police action are there for good reason based on my experience. Police are quite necessary but without limits, some will confuse themselves with the judge and jury. When that happens, all is lost. You can't just stop folks for "driving while Hispanic." I don't dismiss that there are issues here. I am just not willing to throw out the Constitution to solve them.

Anthony @setah
commented on
Arizona's Immigration law
Anthony @setah
Though you just completely ignored the argument and went for the race card. Nothing about an officers daily life is changed by this law. They aren't going to be going through towns raiding every hispanic person they find. The only extra say that cops have because of it, is that they are allowed to ask a suspicion person for identifictation. If they(and btw all legal U.S. citizens over the age of 18 are technically required to have some form of it) have no identification on them, they can be arrested and upon discovering whether they have citizenship or not, they will either be let go, or deported.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
commented on
Arizona's Immigration law
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
Well, we will agree to disagree. I am happy with what I have written.
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