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Older Otaku (if they exist)

Sep 26, 11 at 3:58pm
Me too! I only started going a few years ago, and I feel like I've missed out on a lot. Now I try to go to one or two a year; unfortunately there aren't many good sized cons near me. I'm making the trek to Acen next year in Chicago, and that's one of the largest Midwest-ish cons, so that should be pretty awesome. ^_^
Oct 03, 11 at 5:51pm
Ditto... well, there weren't too many anime cons when I was a teen (closest were Star Trek and comic cons with bootleg anime). Shinji-san, you're right about the age badges being helpful. It reduced the problems I might have had at SpringFest.
I'm not there yet but I'm getting there (21) but even still I am starting to noticed that its getting harder and harder to find someone my age at a con
Yeah, is not an easy scenario I am with you all there I am 25 now. It will be challenge but let's solder on. Never serender she is out there I for one won't give up on her.
Got the "your too old to be here" feeling last time I went to my local Con, as a consequence, this year I didnt go, all the jail-bait and their parents make me uncomfortable (the danish media have had a Pedo-fest for the past 3 years or so). From now on, I'll get my merchandise from Akihabara and avoid the stares ^^
I started pretty late with my otakudom, I'm 22 and to be honest i only went to one con but i still felt way too old to be there. That sucks becuase i did have fun but like MR. Hikkikomori stated the pedo crap is way over bord and freaks me out. sorry new at this and i tend to ramble when i don't know what to say. XP
I turn 30 this year. While I've meet many friends (female & male) at conventions, etc. Only a hand full are a similar age to me, and All them I know are men. Older then early 20's female otaku seem as rare as the holy grail. Keep looking and hoping is the best way to increase our chances.
I'm going to turn 27 this month.It pretty rare sometime to find ppl the same age around here.
well considering the fact that females have a much more hysteric bio-clock than males its no surprise that few females in the "motherly" age, stick around for the rest of us to gawk at ^^
gonna be 21 in may dus that count?
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