Tumblr Buddies? :33
gone @socrates
Tumblr Buddies? :33
gone @socrates
It's a guilty pleasure - I love Tumblr. lol<p>
I can easily spend an hour scrolling through my dash. ; v ; So I'd looove to see/follow some of your guys' blogs, yeah?<p>
Here's mine, in case you're interested!<br>
gone @socrates
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Tumblr Buddies? :33
gone @socrates
N-no one? D': Nhh.
SimonSan @simonsanbr
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Tumblr Buddies? :33
SimonSan @simonsanbr
Isnt tumblr mostly for porn gifs and creepy fan stuff?
That might be why?
Pawlitics @pawlitics
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Tumblr Buddies? :33
Pawlitics @pawlitics
It's not all like that. Sure some people might use it for that, but not everyone. I believe that's mainly a bad stereotype. It's a nice place to connect and meet new people with similar interests and waste time.
Mine is http://princessvanellopevonschweetz.tumblr.com/
NoLongerActive @josapswanzi
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Tumblr Buddies? :33
NoLongerActive @josapswanzi
Mine is like josap.tumblr.com I think????
Haruu @haruu
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Tumblr Buddies? :33
Haruu @haruu
http://nyett.tumblr.com/ c:
gone @socrates
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Tumblr Buddies? :33
gone @socrates
@Simon: There's some of that there, yes, but that's because it's not a site for children?? lol But they have a filter where you can block NSFW blogs from your dashboard. c:<p>
Horray! Thank you, guys! <3 ; v ;
Haruu @haruu
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Tumblr Buddies? :33
Haruu @haruu
Thank you for the follow, Socrates--I love you.. ;__;
gone @socrates
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Tumblr Buddies? :33
gone @socrates
I'll follow you to the ends of the earth, hunneh, I got chuuu. ; A ;
ロイ @wallace614
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Tumblr Buddies? :33
ロイ @wallace614
Sorry I never got the deal with tumblr it's like twitter but a bit different but nowadays it's the same isn't it
And to be honest is weird to read what you ate and how it came out at night.....sorry for the low quality example
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