"The Dream"
Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
commented on
"The Dream"
Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! I don't know if I'll be posting many more of my stories, though... This stupid character limit is a real problem.
I do post-by-post roleplay a lot, just to keep my narrative abilities toned... The problem is that sometimes I get TOO descriptive, like Tolkien on a bad day. x . x
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
"The Dream"
ロイ @wallace614
Is this a one man show?
Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
commented on
"The Dream"
Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
Um, it's just me posting a story I wrote... >,> Not sure what you mean by one man show.
MAX @clo555
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"The Dream"
MAX @clo555
This account has been suspended.
Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
commented on
"The Dream"
Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream~ ^.^
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