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I just wish more activity from other users

You should really I'm still waiting And loli we have to be nice to you Is not that often that we go let to chat with a loli without getting in trouble
your making it seem like she is underage, which I would still in fact do if she was XD
@ Wallace: Getting in trouble? @ Sam-sama: Three more months!
Haha you are doing @sensei @loli I thought you were eighteen already?
@Wallace: I turn 18 on October, so not yet. .__.
Oh yes you did mention it sorry I forgot Well that's good October is the best month of the year Yes but even when you turn 18 you still will get carded by looks Hehe
It is! >:D I love October. It's at the start of the holiday season. c: Carded by looks?
Well carded mmm how to explain it like when you go to R rated places and you get ask for ID But you know which exact date is the best in the month of October 28
Haha ok people lets see what to do So can is somebody reading something good
Well, I'll probably get asked for my ID for a long time after I turn 18. =__=;; I need to grow. D: XD Ahah, October is the best month overall. C: I'm reading this book, but it doesn't have anything to do with manga/anime. Still want to hear it?
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