How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?

Aka-san @redhawk
How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Aka-san @redhawk
If one day you wake up and discover you were all alone, everyone left and the Dead were roaming around. How would you proceed? Rules: Daylight is safe, Nighttime isn't. Finding Food is a Requirement, and Balance out your time between Day and Night raids. Describe the city you live in. Be reasonable about carrying weapons and your resources as well. Cars, do you drive or not, and not much fuel is left as most Gas stations have run out, also a bicycle would be helpful. Would you make a shelter to barricade yourself in or keep on the move until you find a safe location as a Military Base. Clothing, would you pack light or pack heavy(wearing some type of protective Gear). List your medical problems as I'm sure that you will need to look for specific kinds of medicine for your illnesses. Looking for people, would you go find people you know (such as Family or friends) or random people or be a loner and travel the lonesome road ahead. How would you keep your sanity? Reading a book, having a portable game console such as a psp or DS that you have to charge every now and then, or keeping a small album full of pictures or your loved ones. Also searching for equipment would be a bonus on this horrific journey, such as Flashlights, a Radio, Batteries, matches or lighters, bike pumps or wheels, etc.
Did I leave anything crucial out? Let me know lol. have fun with this I guess XD

Nerdalous @nerdalous
commented on
How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Nerdalous @nerdalous
Team up with Batman

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Aka-san @redhawk
that is possibly the best idea ever lol

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Lamby @momoichi
bugging in-ull need a shit ton of supplys (these u can get before hand as a prepper or after hand, but itll be WAY harder to get after the virus is first said (cuz u knw the military and government r going to cover it up, but for good cause, last thing we need is ppl freaking out, witch hunts, ppl running from it, therefor spreading it faster). ull also need a small farm of Ginny pigs (or whatever rapidly producing virmen ur ok with eating). theres ur meat and protein and dog food (well get to that later) next ull want a small garden of seeds from ur supplys, a huge fence secured with bells and a guard dog (to alert u to the presents of not only zombies but Looters, acts as a companion to help keep ur sanity, and also triples as a food source (hey no one said apocalypse r gonna be fun). next ull need a well and purification tablets (along with thousands of matchs). after ud use the pureification tablets ull need to boil the water just to be safe as u don't knw if theres a dead body laying in ur water source, BUT this is ONLY for later on when u knw everything about this virus, it cood be strong enough to survive all that so what u sood do is cute up some plastic and create a funnel to gather rain water for the time being, that ontop of ur already plush water supply water sood be no issue. as for weapons u wont need as much as a bug-outter, but ull still need some; ur spade sood be able to double as a weapon incase ur ambushed while harvesting ur crops,

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Lamby @momoichi
but to be safe u sood also carry an axe (keeps distance from y and the tainted blood splattering at u, and is quite devastating to the skull and since not all of the zombies brain is alive just destroying abit wont kill it, though ofcourse they might still have human fears and being struck wood remind them they SOOD normally die or flinch might help u but ofcourse we don't kwn for ser how this is going to play out virus structure wise) and a cross bow for those buggers clawing at ur fence tryin to pet ur doggy (a cross bow is better then a gun cuz its quiet and u can harvest the arrows and reuse them (alsong as u handle the arrows with explream care being ser not to touch the arrow itself and parts of the shaft with blood on it, even with that u sood use ruber gloves with leather under them, then sanitize and steam everything (can u steam leather? well ull find out!) next u can take in one or two ppl to shortly bug out with to get supplys and expend ur farm (unless they turn out to be a Looter and they shoot u execution style in the head then steal ur stops, dog, and fury friends (garbles) and whatever u else u have)

Lamby @momoichi
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How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Lamby @momoichi
*takes a keep breath* woodnt let me post it so had to split it =w= next, bugging out! *gets to typing!*

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Aka-san @redhawk
dang that was alot, take a break lambey lol

Lamby @momoichi
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How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Lamby @momoichi
bugging out-ull need more weapons but less supplys on hand, even when bugging out ull need a place to stay at night, a secured abandon warehouse wood be ideal IF the virus isn't spread by rats. the extra space will help u hear echos of any intruders, human or dead, so ull be able to arm urself, ofcourse ull need to set booby(hehhehee) traps aswell, both to stop and alert u of intruders. as far as envirment goes (and I sood have mentioned this in bugging in as its more crutal) I believe strongly zombies wont be able to function in the cold do to the fact they'll be very water in texture becuz of the decey and the liquid in them stiffing up making it hard to move. my personal plan is to bug out to candada and live in a village of survivors and wait for it to die down, or least live out my life with them. anywheez, one thing that's controversial is the use of sleeping medication. for in buggers it is safer but for someone bugging out it can kill. on one hand ull be suffering from lack of sleep and night terrors, slowly driving u insane, on the other hand u might fall too into a sleep there ur alerms don't do there job.

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Aka-san @redhawk
true, okay I want to add something: The Virus isn't airborne, rats can spread the virus but its only 50%

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Lamby @momoichi
what if ur opinion on the matter? to bug out ull need the basics and basics only, two hand weapons, main hand hatchet, offhand butch knife (but buck knife SOOD be only used to things like cutting rope or ur hair) and carry a cross bow to clear ur pass. another trick I saw from a movie is taping the button on a bullhorn and throwing it, getting the zombies attentchion away from u. a dog is also handy, alsong as hes trained, he can sniff out the wandering corpses nearly and silently alert u, and if the virus doesn't affect animals he can also be used as a weapon, to disorient the zombie an stall or for u to do the finishing blow, but a dog sood only be acquired if uv got the resources to sustain him and urself, and he cood also watch over u when u take the sleeping pills. looting dog food sood be plentiful, carrying it wood be an issue, but use ur dog to carry it with a lil saddle, but how r u going to make the saddle? anywhere a outbugger sood keep moving when the food runs out in that town, and go to the next, set up shelter, and repeat the process. now there r two types of outbuggers, Looters and outbuggers, not to be repeditive....Looters seeking out ppl to to steal from them and use violence against other ppl, doing any means nessicary to get by, where as outbuggers keep to themselves but wont hurt ppl unless they need to. my hand hurts, srry for the spelling mistakes .///.
haha done ^_^
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