Would ya rather?
drako2k0 @drako2k0
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Would ya rather?
drako2k0 @drako2k0
Box a Kangaroo, because we're assuming kangaroos can actually box, but a komodo dragon is always poisonous and it only takes a single bite.
Would you rather:
Have an acne problem?
Have a body odor problem?
Brian Doran @hayhaybrian
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Would ya rather?
Brian Doran @hayhaybrian
Brian Doran @hayhaybrian
commented on
Would ya rather?
Brian Doran @hayhaybrian
Body oder problem you can cover that easier than acne.
Would you rather eat 30 pounds of cheese in one sitting or a bucket of peanut butter without water?
Momo @momo__
commented on
Would ya rather?
Momo @momo__
no problem for me to eat a bucket peanut butter
Would you rather be exposed in your underwear infront of your crush in you classroom or
Eat a living fly? (A big one)
Cyan-San @cyansan
commented on
Would ya rather?
Cyan-San @cyansan
I'd rather be exposed in my underwear in front of my crush. (I have no shame lol).
Would you rather be surrounded by people and hate people or
Be alone and love people?
theblacksquid @theblacksquid
commented on
Would ya rather?
theblacksquid @theblacksquid
Be surrounded by people and hate people, cuz that's what I go through everyday.
Would you rather show up late for an exam you've prepared for the last night, or early for one you hadn't prepared for?
trahecreations @trahecreations
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Would ya rather?
trahecreations @trahecreations
box a kangaroo that way I won't get poionoused
would you rather have wing or a tail (fish tails included)
Veru @verucassault
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Would ya rather?
Veru @verucassault
Wings...no contest.
Would you rather have someone spit in your mouth or piss in your hair if there's no bathroom nearby?
Cats&Anime @catsandanime11
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Would ya rather?
Cats&Anime @catsandanime11
Spit in my mouth cuz maybe there won't be a lot but if there's no bathroom nearby that person probably has to go really bad and there'll be a lot of pee XD
Would you rather run from a tiger or swim away from a shark?
trahecreations @trahecreations
commented on
Would ya rather?
trahecreations @trahecreations
swim from a shark. If you want to escape a tiger you have to run at it. screws up it's game plan, but even if you are mauled you still have to swim away from a shark. And most times sharks are not interested in us.
would you rather be reality tv famous or marry a famous person famous?
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