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Mar 27, 13 at 9:42pm
Yosh! Arigato, Maverick.
http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o764/Aemaz/Anime/SAO.jpg Asuna <3
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Locked. @masuji commented on Waifu
Mar 28, 13 at 12:41pm
Waifu complexes, oh brother. I don't ever go that far.
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I just consider Asuna's personality ideal. hehe xD
Apr 30, 13 at 2:18am
A waifu isn't someone you pick, it's someone you feel a deep inner connection with. You know not by words, but by fate, that you two were meant to be with one another. You don't just watch a show and go "Wow, she's cute". You watch a show and by the warm feeling in your heart you know that she is the one, even if you don't even know what waifu means. If any of you haven't felt this yet, then I'm afraid to tell you that you don't have a waifu. It should also be noted that you can only have one.
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May 02, 13 at 3:20am
I've had a few over the years. My first was Naru from love hina. The one that'll probably stay is Mizore Shirayuki. She's just too adorable. <img src="http://s13.postimg.org/bc0ssvv7r/mizore_shirayuki_by_overmare_d5q4izu.pngalt="Mizore Shirayuki" height="506" width="900">
drako2k0 @drako2k0 commented on Waifu
May 02, 13 at 4:24am
I simply cannot get enough of her. <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/943186_373802709397035_1953469976_n.jpg">
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