Anyone wana talk so bored at work

tcht @tcht
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Anyone wana talk so bored at work
tcht @tcht
At least u got classes to go to. I couldn't afford anything so i had to join the military xD

Yu @metaljester
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Anyone wana talk so bored at work
Yu @metaljester
Hmm try working for google i would definitely apply with the pay they give but its alot of redtape and most likely you will go home crying because you didnt get the job they are extremely picky although apparently im enough for them sometimes i wonder why i didnt take it but it is still open i just i know the hassle and moving to work with them besides that it usually isnt work at home despite it seems that way also dont necessarily wont to move there to work for them Its high paying but still not what i want to do it wont help me achieve my goals in the end

xueli @xueli
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Anyone wana talk so bored at work
xueli @xueli
Google would have been a really awesome place to work before the whole google circle? Or whatever that thing was where they tried to make a facebook clone

xueli @xueli
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Anyone wana talk so bored at work
xueli @xueli
I'm listening to my psych professor talk about neurons while I'm studying organic chem :P It's so surreal

Yu @metaljester
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Anyone wana talk so bored at work
Yu @metaljester
Oh thats sounds very intrigueing i would actually like to hear it always interested in psychcology and pretty much any form of science I know you can video record him and play it on maiotaku just kidding

xueli @xueli
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Anyone wana talk so bored at work
xueli @xueli
Basic psych classes are terrible but you have to take them or they don't let you go to the higher classes. I haaaaate basic psych

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Anyone wana talk so bored at work
Yu @metaljester
Ahh yeah because it covers the less appealing forms of physcology that not alot like still im always open to gaining more knowledge to pursue my interest

xueli @xueli
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Anyone wana talk so bored at work
xueli @xueli
It's not that it covers less appealing forms. it's that it's so basic and general that it's pretty common knowledge. It should be common knowledge that yes, psychology is a science. People should already know what scientific method is and how to conduct an experiment. Stuff like that. Even the bio stuff is basic. Yes, humans have electrical charges in their bodies because chemistry.

Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
commented on
Anyone wana talk so bored at work
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
I'm bleaching ma hair ATM ow my the stimgs lol so I guess I'm bored too

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Anyone wana talk so bored at work
Yu @metaljester
Yet you be surprised how many people actually not know it now and days knowledge is getting wasted around and is taken for granted especially colleges
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