Hated Anime Characters?!
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Hated Anime Characters?!
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
Me too.
<p>Rolo from Code Geass</p>
That JFK moment upseted me greatly.
He deserved more than what he got.
ERROR @darkry1211
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Hated Anime Characters?!
ERROR @darkry1211
Obito Uchiha.
Just get rid of him.
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
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Hated Anime Characters?!
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
Uhhrrghh...I'm just going to say it.
*puts up the fangirl defense shield*
Every dark, brooding, melodramatic, obviously WAY too cool for us mere mortals, ultra-composed character in ANY series. What I like to call the sephiroth complex.
This inlcudes but is not limited to:
Sasuke - Naruto
Sesshomaru - Inuyahsa
Hiei - Yu Yu Hakusho
Ishida - Bleach
Kanda - D. Grey Man
fictionaldreams @fictionaldreams
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Hated Anime Characters?!
fictionaldreams @fictionaldreams
I can understand Sasuke cause he can be a.. yeah. And the rest I suppose but I thought everyone loved Hiei xD
mrmanguy15 @mrmanguy15
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Hated Anime Characters?!
mrmanguy15 @mrmanguy15
Ah.. Them "dark moody" boys be what I like to call "fangirl-bait" *cough* Heero Yuy *cough*. And I can't believe I just now saw somebody post Shin... Good man. I would list a majority of seed characters for me, but I'll stay away from that one for now.
Speaking of hated gundam characters...
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