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Jan 17, 13 at 10:22pm
Oh that was good your library sounded cool
Yeah i guess largo had money. we did have an old library that didnt have this when i was younger like 8 i remember. then they destroyed it and as i got into high school. largo high. they made the new one i talked about the library is like a 3 minute walk from the school. so everyone would be there after school.
Jan 17, 13 at 10:31pm
I see a good meeting place it would appear thats great that you had something like that though when you were going to school
Yeah its nice because you meet a lot of new people. friends. new girlfriends. Another cool thing was there was a giant public park right across the street from the library. so you could also go there. me and my friends skated in the parking lots and park for years.
Jan 17, 13 at 10:41pm
I see we had a small skating area with a ramp and some rails that you could skate on ourselves
We had a skate park but you had to wear a helmet and the skatepark kind of sucked anyway. so we just skated street. That was a while ago. lol.
Jan 17, 13 at 10:49pm
Oh i see we had a ice rink where i used to be
We did at our mall but there isn't ice in florida haha
Jan 17, 13 at 10:54pm
No im sure there isnt pretty hot down there
Pretty hot as in it doesn't get below 50 degrees. 50 degrees is still like farfetch'd
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