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Whats the most random thing ever happened to you

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I had my former best friend who was sleeping with me in the same bed (we were in the 4th Grade) he got close and told me I have soft skin... True Story.
Very good one lol i had a random guy come to my house and wanted to make a deposit of about 500 dollars thinking my house was some bank or something when i said i didnt own a bank nor was my house a bank he said that im a goverment agent and was merely not letting him make a deposite because he told the truth about the goverment afterwards he left and i felt quite intrigued as in how he thought those things and even thought my house resembled a bank in the first place
The worst part was that he came back the next day spying on me from the trees around my house there was a onlooker that came by in a car and simply just looked at him hiding behind a tree in the middle of the road by my house i finally told him to leave the property and he did and didnt come back
Hmmm "most" is a hard word to pick from the countless i have had.... maybe when my mom told me how she was bragging about my butt to her co workers after i lost alot of weight and started getting into shap.... that was.... unpleasant.....
oh well that defintely sounded unpleasant
Walking around and some girl grabbed my arm and dragged me to a ball room dance. Tried to get out of it but she had the death grip on me. I acted like Vash a little bit trying to get away.
oh lol like vash
Lol i remember back in elementary school there were days girls would chase boys and days boys would chase the girls haha this was back in k-2nd grade haha
I remember those in my elementary school they did that usually the girls would though
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