My baby daddy
zeroe0 @zeroe0
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My baby daddy
zeroe0 @zeroe0
Son would be named after me
Daughter...............the Mrs. will handle that part
atticuselias @atticuselias
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My baby daddy
atticuselias @atticuselias
Ain't no drama like a baby momma
Lamby @momoichi
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My baby daddy
Lamby @momoichi
lets go none japanese for a sec?
Baily for girl Alex for boy
ok japanese :D??
Ryunosoke for boy Nanri for girl
but i only want one kid and i wanna adopt so.....itll be a toss up which name itll be! xD (fingers crossed its a girl xD!! or boy.....idk which is better XP)
rakushun @rakushun
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My baby daddy
rakushun @rakushun
I like Japanese names like
Rin (girl)
Emiko (girl)
Asano (boy)
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
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My baby daddy
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
Ash for a boy and maybe dawn for a girl
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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My baby daddy
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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chibibree197 @chibibree197
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My baby daddy
chibibree197 @chibibree197
Excuse me?
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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My baby daddy
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Slcknck29 @slcknck29
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My baby daddy
Slcknck29 @slcknck29
Maybe Sora, was thinking kairi but one of my best friends named his daughter that already so yeah.
Never thought about it too much
da_uman @da_uman
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My baby daddy
da_uman @da_uman
Ariel for a girl, i mainly use it in games for female characters :P
I'll have to think about a boys name, Kian i guess.
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